Personal growth Initiative among Undergraduate Students in Relation to Emotional Self-efficacy and General Well-being


Nimisha Beri & Manisha Jain
Lovely Professional University

Special Issue, Volume 8, Number 2, 2016 I Full Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v8n2.05


The current study was conducted to find out the personal growth initiative among undergraduate students in relation to emotional self-efficacy and general well-being. The study was conducted by using descriptive survey method and the samples of the study were drawn from 480 college-going students from three districts of Punjab using multi-stage sampling method. Result indicates that female undergraduate students are much better than male undergraduate students in their personal growth initiative, emotional self-efficacy and general well-being. Students from the science stream are much better in personal growth initiative, emotional self-efficacy and general well-being as compared with arts and commerce students at the undergraduate level. A significant and positive relationship was found between personal growth initiative and emotional self-efficacy and general well-being.


Keywords: Undergraduate students, Personal growth initiative, Emotional self-efficacy, General well-being.