Academic Resilience among Senior Secondary School Students: Influence of Learning Environment


Mihir K. Mallick & Simranjit kaur
Lovely Professional University, Phagwara

Special Issue, Volume 8, Number 2, 2016 I Full Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v8n2.03


Learning environment has tremendous effect on the social and emotional development of the student. Learning environment either at school or home has deep impact on students. Academic resilience refers to academic achievement in spite of a challenging or difficult circumstance in the educational process. The study was conducted to explore learning environment and academic resilience of senior secondary school students and to analyze the relationship between learning environment and academic resilience. The nature of the study calls for the descriptive study. 600 high school students were selected from three regions of Punjab (i.e. Majha, Malwa and Doaba region) through stratified random sampling technique. Self constructed and standardized Learning Environment Scale and Academic Resilience Scale were used for data collection. For analyzing data, parametric statistical techniques were used. Study revealed that boys possessed more scores in academic resilience as compared with girls. Student from urban locality possessed high level of academic resilience. Girl students have high level of learning environment as compared with boys. Locality-wise urban students scored significantly high in learning environment as compared with rural students. Significant positive relation was found between learning environment and academic resilience of senior secondary students.

Keywords: Academic Resilience, Learning Environment, Senior Secondary school students