
Female Literacy and Economic Development in India


Ripudaman Singh

Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab

Special Issue, Volume 8, Number 2, 2016 I Full Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v8n2.07


Role of education and particularly female education in the development process is well documented. Economists of the classical period have also highlighted this association. Besides the social and economic benefits of education, female literacy is considered a bet in improving the health and basic child care. Higher literacy rates show lower poverty ratios in different parts of the world. India has also shown a tremendous increase in its literacy rates since independence, but it too has the largest concentration of poor people in the world. This has been postulated to be tested through the case of India. Present paper attempts to determine the spatial patterns of female literacy and economic development in India. Higher female literacy rate districts are noted for lower proportions of poor populations.

Keyword: Asset-less population, economic development, female literacy, India.

Effect of Yogic and Recreational Activities for Improving Self-injurious and Aggression Behavior of Autistic Children


Neelam Sharma & Nidhi Sharma

Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab

Special Issue, Volume 8, Number 2, 2016 I Full Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v8n2.06


Autism is a multifaceted neuro-behavioral disorder and includes impairments in  language, social interaction and communication skills. The purpose of the present study was to examine the effect of yogic and recreational activities for improving self injurious and aggressive behaviour of autistic children. The study was conducted on  twenty (20) autistic children of age group of 8-14 years. Further, respondents were bifurcated  into three equal groups namely i.e -yogic group, recreational group and control group. Two years selected training program, based on the interest and connotation of respondents were given to the subjects. Before imparting the session of yoga and recreation activities, pre-test data were obtained through Autistic Distress behavior  standardized scale. Pre-test and post-test data were collected by imparting selected training programme to the subjects. No experimental treatment was given to control group. The results of  present  investigation affirm  positive effects of recreational and Yogic activities on the different dimensions of self injurious and aggression behaviour.

Keywords: Autism,Yoga, Recreation, Self injury, Aggression, Behaviour

Personal growth Initiative among Undergraduate Students in Relation to Emotional Self-efficacy and General Well-being


Nimisha Beri & Manisha Jain
Lovely Professional University

Special Issue, Volume 8, Number 2, 2016 I Full Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v8n2.05


The current study was conducted to find out the personal growth initiative among undergraduate students in relation to emotional self-efficacy and general well-being. The study was conducted by using descriptive survey method and the samples of the study were drawn from 480 college-going students from three districts of Punjab using multi-stage sampling method. Result indicates that female undergraduate students are much better than male undergraduate students in their personal growth initiative, emotional self-efficacy and general well-being. Students from the science stream are much better in personal growth initiative, emotional self-efficacy and general well-being as compared with arts and commerce students at the undergraduate level. A significant and positive relationship was found between personal growth initiative and emotional self-efficacy and general well-being.


Keywords: Undergraduate students, Personal growth initiative, Emotional self-efficacy, General well-being.


Relating Emotional Intelligence and Organisational Commitment through Moderated Mediation of Psychological Well-being and Work-life Balance: A Study on Teachers of NGOs


Tisha Singh
University of Jammu, India

Special Issue, Volume 8, Number 2, 2016 I Full Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v8n2.04


This study was conducted with an objective to explore the direct and indirect effect of emotional intelligence on organisational commitment through psychological well-being. Further, moderating role of work life balance on psychological well-being and organisational commitment was also explored. Data were collected from 209 teachers working in Special schools and NGOs of Delhi, working for differently-abled children, on the bases of convenient sampling. Statistical techniques like confirmatory factor analyses, structure equation model (SEM) and hierarchical regression were employed to analyze the data. Further, reliability and validity tests were also performed. The study finds that emotional intelligence leads to organisational commitment through the partial mediation of psychological well-being. It is also verified that work-life balance moderates the association between psychological well-being and organisational commitment. This study is limited to non-profit making sector of Delhi region only. This study will be helpful for managers in recognising the increasing importance of emotional intelligence, psychological well being and work-life balance that encourages organisational commitment which further enhances the performance of the organisation and may bring innovativeness in working.

 Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Psychological Well Being, Organisational Commitment and Work Life Balance.


Academic Resilience among Senior Secondary School Students: Influence of Learning Environment


Mihir K. Mallick & Simranjit kaur
Lovely Professional University, Phagwara

Special Issue, Volume 8, Number 2, 2016 I Full Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v8n2.03


Learning environment has tremendous effect on the social and emotional development of the student. Learning environment either at school or home has deep impact on students. Academic resilience refers to academic achievement in spite of a challenging or difficult circumstance in the educational process. The study was conducted to explore learning environment and academic resilience of senior secondary school students and to analyze the relationship between learning environment and academic resilience. The nature of the study calls for the descriptive study. 600 high school students were selected from three regions of Punjab (i.e. Majha, Malwa and Doaba region) through stratified random sampling technique. Self constructed and standardized Learning Environment Scale and Academic Resilience Scale were used for data collection. For analyzing data, parametric statistical techniques were used. Study revealed that boys possessed more scores in academic resilience as compared with girls. Student from urban locality possessed high level of academic resilience. Girl students have high level of learning environment as compared with boys. Locality-wise urban students scored significantly high in learning environment as compared with rural students. Significant positive relation was found between learning environment and academic resilience of senior secondary students.

Keywords: Academic Resilience, Learning Environment, Senior Secondary school students


Academic Performance of Senior Secondary School Students: Influence of Parental Encouragement and School Environment


Anshu Narad & Bilkees Abdullah
Lovely Professional University, Phagwara

Special Issue, Volume 8, Number 2, 2016 I Full Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v8n2.02


Parental encouragement can nurture the hidden potentialities in children and lead to success in different walks of life. Academic performance is one of the important goals of education and has always been influenced by number of factors including parental encouragement and school environment. Keeping this in view a study was conducted to explore the parental encouragement and school environment of senior secondary school students and to analyze their relationship with academic performance of students. The study was descriptive survey in nature and simple random sampling technique was used for selection of the sample. The participants in the study included 300 senior secondary school girls (150 girls from each type of school i.e. co-education schools and girls’ schools, out of each school 30 girls). For analysis of data, parametric statistical techniques were used. The study revealed that senior secondary school girls studying in co- education schools and girls’ school had similar academic performance. Senior secondary school girls studying in girls schools had higher parental encouragement as compared to their counterparts in co-educational schools. Senior secondary schoolgirls studying in co-educational schools had higher permissiveness as compared to those studying in girls’ school, while those in girls’ school had higher control as compared to their counterparts in co-education schools. Significant positive relationship was found between academic performance of senior secondary school girls with parental encouragement and school environment.

Keywords: Academic Performance, Parental Encouragement, School Environment, Senior Secondary Schools

Developing and Using Blends: Evaluating a Hybrid Micro-Skill for New Teaching Paradigm


Dinesh Kumar
Lovely Professional University, Phagwara

Special Issue, Volume 8, Number 2, 2016 I Full Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v8n2.01


The Teacher Education Institutions plays a crucial role in improving the system of education by training, educating and inspiring the future student teachers. A teacher requires understanding and mastering of skills to make his classroom interactive. For this purpose the exercise of instructional designing or lesson planning becomes very essential. Although innovative lesson plans based on behaviourist, cognitive and constructivist approaches are introduced in teacher education, the learner today, who is more ICT-enabled requires modern 21st century skills and competencies. The classroom interactive process, used by student-teacher during the professional experience programme, needs a critical analysis and the recent trends in education need to be explored to modify the age old traditional approaches to meet the challenges of the present. This evaluative study explored, developed and ascertained the effectiveness of a hybrid micro-skill called developing and using blends. A number of skills, instructional designs and blended learning literature have been critically analyzed to finalize the components of skills. After conducting primary and secondary data analysis, the effectiveness of the developed skill was checked on high school students selected for this purpose. It was found that in science and social sciences, there is a significant effect of developed micro skill on the academic achievement of high school students, but no significant difference is found in teaching effectiveness of student teachers teaching with and without hybrid micro skill.

Key Words: Blends, teaching skills, instructional design, 5E constructivist approach, blended learning, on line learning.

Review Article: Go Set A Watchman: A Shoddy First Draft or a Literary Masterpiece


Nandini Kalita

Ambedkar University, Delhi

Volume 8, Number 1, 2016 I Full Text PDF

One  of  the  most  awaited  books  of  our  times,  Harper  Lee’s  Go  Set  a  Watchman(a title derived from Isaiah 21:6);  managed  to  stir  up  many  debates  around  its  genesis  when  it  was  published  last  year  after  five  and  a  half  decades  since  the  author’s  magnum  opus  To  Kill  A  Mocking Bird  appeared.  Apparently,  Go  Set  A  Watchman  was  written  before  the  book  that  made  Harper  Lee  one  of  the  most  important  figures  of  modern  American  Literature.  In  fact,  her  iconic  novel  was  born  when  her  editor  T.  Hohoff  after  reading  the  manuscript  of  Watchman  suggested  her  to  rewrite  her  work  focusing  more  on  the  childhood  of  the  central  protagonist.

Though  both  the  works  are  set  in  the  fictional  Maycomb  County,  have  Jean  Louise  Finch  at  the  heart  of  its  narrative  and  grapple  with  the  issue  of  racial  segregation; they  stand  independent  of  each  other. Mockingbird  is  narrated  in  the  first-person  by  young  and  feisty  Jean  Louise( called  Scout  by  everyone)  trying  to  make  sense  of  the  world  around  her  in  which  racism  has  dug  its  feet  really  deep ,  whereas  Watchman  is  a  third-person  narrative, in  which  the  little  girl  of  Mockingbird  have  grown  into  a  twenty  six  year  old  woman  briefly  back  in  the  same  partisan  world  that  she  left  behind  to  live  in  the  “big  city”[i], New York.  Young  Scout’s  vision  of  the  racist  society  of  Maycomb  County   in  the  first  published  novel  is  critical  but still  rendered  with  sympathy.[ii] But  her  picture  of   the  same  world  at  twenty  six  is  of  a  hateful,  divisive  society  that  will  go  to  any  length  to  safeguard  the  existing  social  layout  that  privileges  the  white.  This  shift  in  the  central  protagonist’s  perspective  which  radically  alters  the  contours  of  the  narrative  in  Watchman ;  has  earned  the  book  severe  criticism  from  some  quarters  who  saw  the  shift  as  a  radical  departure  from  the  original  narrative.  Keep Reading

Book Review: Drawing the Line: Indian Women Fight Back


Priya Kuriyan, Larissa Bertonasco and Ludmilla Bartscht (Eds.).


New Delhi. Zubaan Publishers.

ISBN 9789384757106


Reviewed by

Bhanupriya Rohila

Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur (Rajasthan)

Volume 8, Number 1, 2016 I Full Text PDF

 downloadThe issue of uneven equations between man and woman is the long fought over and the most crucial of all human issues. Moreover, this is the most ancient and simultaneously the most contemporary issue too. Indian women who have always been subdued by men, in want of equality and liberation, have produced several pieces of literature that call for justice. Zubaan, an independent feminist publishing house, in its another attempt to give voice to the female psyche has published Drawing the Line: Indian Women Fight Back that has received much critical attention on the literary sphere recently. Keep Reading

Effectiveness of Advertisements: A Study on Comparative Analysis of Celebrity-endorsed Advertisements versus Animated-character-endorsed Advertisements for Children


Solanki Sandip P, Symbiosis International University, Pune

Sheth Bhagyashree H, Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad

Volume 8, Number 1, 2016 I Full Text PDF


Purpose: This study is mainly done in order to find out the relative effectiveness of celebrity-endorsed advertisements verses animated-character-endorsed advertisements on the purchase intention of children. Further, the study is done for the same product and for the low involvement food product. The study finds that for low-involvement food product category, the impact of animated spokes characters and cartoon characters is more than that of celebrity. Regarding the purchase intention of children, it was found that the impact of animated and cartoon characters in advertisements is more than that of celebrities in advertisements especially for low-involvement food product category.

Keywords: Celebrity endorsed, Animated character, Children, Purchase intention, Television, Print, Advertisements. Keep Reading

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