Gender Studies - Page 2

Loving and Terrible Mother: An Archetypal Redefinition of African Motherhood in Beloved


Aviti Latha1* & Bhavani S2   
1Research Scholar, Department of English, Christ University, Bangalore, India.
2Assistant Professor and Associate Dean, The Department of English, Christ University, Bangalore, India.

Rupkatha Journal, Vol. 16, Issue 2, 2024.
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The memories of past experiences have an unconscious influence on the present. In her novel Beloved, Toni Morrison vividly portrays the atrocities of slavery, shedding light on the enduring psychic wounds inflicted upon subjugated Black women and their motherhood. This study explores the embedded memories, trauma, and dehumanization that control and distort the ability of Black individuals to respond to the human experiences of maternal bonds. While existing literature has extensively explored motherhood, a gap remains in understanding the archetypal development within the fragmented psyche of tormented mothers. Drawing from Carl Jung and Eric Neumann’s collective unconscious and mother archetype concept, this interdisciplinary research aims to identify and examine the dual nature of motherhood – the loving and the terrible. By analyzing the reasons behind this duality, we seek to redefine motherhood, considering the exhibition of two contradictory natures among oppressed mothers.

Keywords: Psyche, Collective Unconscious, archetypes, loving and terrible mother.

Conflicts of Interest: The authors declared no conflicts of interest.
Funding: No funding was received for this research.
Article History: Received: 29 February 2024. Revised: 19 June 2024. Accepted: 19 June 2024. First published: 20 June 2024.
Copyright: © 2024 by the author/s.
License: License Aesthetix Media Services, India. Distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
Published by: Aesthetix Media Services, India
Citation: Latha, A. & Bhavani, S. (2024). Loving and Terrible Mother: An Archetypal Redefinition of African Motherhood in Beloved. Rupkatha Journal 16:2.

Rupkatha Journal's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Quality education (SDG 4) Gender equality (SDG 5) Decent work and economic growth (SDG 8) Reduced inequalities (SDG 10) Sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11) Climate action (SDG 13) Life on land (SDG 15) Peace, justice, and strong institutions (SDG 16)

Acceptance of Sexual and Gender Minorities through Romance TV Drama Series with LGBT Characters: The Voices of College Students in Thailand


Yuki Amaki  
Faculty of Literature, Taisho University, Tokyo, Japan.

Rupkatha Journal, Vol. 16, Issue 2, 2024.
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This study focused on the views of 77 current college students in Thailand on gay-related romantic TV dramas and their social impact. The survey aims to determine how gay-related romantic dramas affect the understanding of and discrimination against LGBTQ+ people in Thai society and to propose solutions based on the results. The survey results suggest that gay-related romantic dramas may have an impact on social perceptions and tolerance toward LGBTQ+ people. Positive opinions emphasized that the dramas promote understanding between different generations and cultures and provide opportunities to accept LGBTQ+ identities. On the other hand, negative opinions expressed concern that the dramas are removed from reality and do not adequately reflect the real situations and issues of LGBTQ+ people. Based on these findings, this study provides valuable suggestions for improving LGBTQ+ public awareness and understanding. These recommendations aim to enhance public awareness and comprehension of LGBTQ+ matters, with the understanding that the students’ voices are crucial in this process.

Keywords: LGBTQ+, Romantic TV Series, Diversity Representation, Media, College Students, Thailand.

Conflicts of Interest: The authors declared no conflicts of interest.
Funding: No funding was received for this research.
Article History: Received: 28 February 2024. Revised: 13 June 2024. Accepted: 15 June 2024. First published: 18 June 2024.
Copyright: © 2024 by the author/s.
License: License Aesthetix Media Services, India. Distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
Published by: Aesthetix Media Services, India
Citation: Amaki, Y. (2024). Acceptance of Sexual and Gender Minorities through Romance TV Drama Series with LGBT Characters: The Voices of College Students in Thailand. Rupkatha Journal 16:2.

Rupkatha Journal's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Quality education (SDG 4) Gender equality (SDG 5) Decent work and economic growth (SDG 8) Reduced inequalities (SDG 10) Sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11) Climate action (SDG 13) Life on land (SDG 15) Peace, justice, and strong institutions (SDG 16)

Navigating Multiple Burdens among Women in Government Service


Cherry Ann B. Chagyowen 
Instructor III, School of Healthcare Education, Mountain Province State Polytechnic College, Philippines.

Rupkatha Journal, Vol. 16, Issue 2, 2024.
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This study investigates the lived experiences of government-employed mothers in Sabangan, Mountain Province, Philippines, who juggle work, family, and community roles without domestic help. Employing descriptive phenomenology and thematic analysis, the research examines the effects of these multiple burdens on nine participants from various government institutions. Findings highlight both positive outcomes, like happiness and fulfillment, and negative impacts, such as exhaustion and stress. The study reveals strategies these women use to mitigate adverse effects and suggests policy changes for better government support. Recommendations include extended parental leave, more holidays, reduced work hours, and accessible childcare. The study underscores the need for shared familial responsibilities and legislative backing to aid working mothers in managing their multifaceted roles.

Keywords:Multiple Burdens; Working Mothers; Roles; Effects; Management

Conflicts of Interest: The authors declared no conflicts of interest.
Funding: No funding was received for this research.
Article History: Received: 22 February 2024. Revised: 14 June 2024. Accepted: 15 June 2024. First published: 17 June 2024.
Copyright: © 2024 by the author/s.
License: License Aesthetix Media Services, India. Distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
Published by: Aesthetix Media Services, India
Citation: Chagyowen, C. A. B. (2024). Navigating Multiple Burdens among Women in Government Service. Rupkatha Journal 16:2.

Rupkatha Journal's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Quality education (SDG 4) Gender equality (SDG 5) Decent work and economic growth (SDG 8) Reduced inequalities (SDG 10) Sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11) Climate action (SDG 13) Life on land (SDG 15) Peace, justice, and strong institutions (SDG 16)

Re-gendering Art: A Study of Ravi Varma’s Shakuntala Writing a Love Letter on a Lotus Leaf


I. Vinitha Chandra
Mount Carmel College, Autonomous, Bengaluru.

Rupkatha Journal, Vol. 16, Issue 2, 2024.
Full-Text PDF Issue Access


As a reflection of social patterns, culture is bound to change and the representations from the past distorted in the present need to be decoded to remove the staleness and fixation on various notions passed as absolute truths. This dichotomy inspires an investigation into an iconic representation of womanhood from the stature of an episode from mythological epic Mahabharata and the paintings of Shakuntala by the painter Prince Ravi Varma of erstwhile Travancore in the state of Kerala in colonial India to unravel the stories that characterized popular imagination of women in history. The theoretical framework of aesthetics in the depiction of human forms that define perceptions of gender directs this study to avail a close reading to evaluate the growth of empowerment of women within the dialectics of history and culture. ‘Ekphrasis’ studies mainly how visual arts are represented in literature and here interestingly visual art becomes the ekphrasis of the written text. A proposal of the theory of ‘elimination’, the study intends to debunk the societal gaze of the feminine form as fragile hindering the strength of character by analyzing the hidden details in art. The relevance becomes manifold in the twenty-first century as the new generation is ardently trying to break stereotypes. The limitations of binary ideas of masculine and feminine are interwoven mainly with physical characteristics. The pressure to mimic these attributes leads to the exclusion of anything beyond that idea which disturbs the balance of gender equality and justice.

Keywords:  Aura, Autonomy, Apotheosis, Aesthetics, Impression.

Conflicts of Interest: The authors declared no conflicts of interest.
Funding: No funding was received for this research.
Article History: Received: 02 February 2024. Revised: 20 May 2024. Accepted: 21 May 2024. First published: 22 May 2024.
Copyright: © 2024 by the author/s.
License: License Aesthetix Media Services, India. Distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
Published by: Aesthetix Media Services, India 
Citation: Chandra, I. V. (2024). Re-gendering Art: A Study of Ravi Varma’s Shakuntala Writing a Love Letter on a Lotus Leaf. Rupkatha Journal 16:2.

Rupkatha Journal's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Quality education (SDG 4) Gender equality (SDG 5) Decent work and economic growth (SDG 8) Reduced inequalities (SDG 10) Sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11) Climate action (SDG 13) Life on land (SDG 15) Peace, justice, and strong institutions (SDG 16)

Women, Markers, and Representation in Early Telugu Cinema


K. Suneetha Rani
Professor and Head, Centre for Women’s Studies, School of Social Sciences, University of Hyderabad.

Rupkatha Journal, Vol. 16, Issue 2, 2024.
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The early Telugu cinema echoed the contemporary concerns and movements in the country. Most films made in Telugu in the first two decades, the 1930s and 1940s, were mythologies, historicals and devotionals. However, regardless of genre, most movies focus on the woman question. Many had women at the centre, while many movies had titles after women characters. This paper focuses on select Telugu movies from the early decades to argue that the films might have focused on the woman question and might have argued for the reform of the condition of women. Still, they remained orthodox and sometimes regressive in their idea of womanhood. Markers of a married woman whose husband is alive become more valuable than women. A respected and celebrated womanhood is almost reduced to the markers she carries. This new woman combines tradition and modernity, influenced by the reform movement but strongly pulled by tradition to evolve into a better wife. The present paper proposes to examine the portrayal of a new family woman by the Telugu Cinema of the 1930s, reiterating the traditional markers with additional interpretations. It employs feminist historiography to understand the significance of the portrayal of new women in early Telugu cinema.

Keywords:  Telugu Cinema, Women Markers, Representation.

Conflicts of Interest: The authors declared no conflicts of interest.
Funding: No funding was received for this research.
Article History: Received: 02 February 2024. Revised: 07 May 2024. Accepted: 07 May 2024. First published: 09 May 2024.
Copyright: © 2024 by the author/s.
License: License Aesthetix Media Services, India. Distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
Published by: Aesthetix Media Services, India 
Citation: Rani, K. S. (2024). Women, Markers, and Representation in Early Telugu Cinema. Rupkatha Journal 16:2.

Rupkatha Journal's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Quality education (SDG 4) Gender equality (SDG 5) Decent work and economic growth (SDG 8) Reduced inequalities (SDG 10) Sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11) Climate action (SDG 13) Life on land (SDG 15) Peace, justice, and strong institutions (SDG 16)

Rewriting Femborgian Narratives: Transgression and Subversion of the Female Cyborg in Her and Ex Machina


Nilima Chaudhary  
Assistant Professor, Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute.

Rupkatha Journal, Vol. 16, Issue 1, 2024.
[Article History: Received: 16 November 2023. Revised: 06 March 2024. Accepted: 07 March 2024. Published: 30 March 2024
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The poster child of the ever-evolving Cyberculture: the Cyborg, is a symbol of possibilities and anxieties for humankind. The female cyborg, or the femborg in particular, is a radical merger of unconventional categories of women and technology. While science and technology have traditionally been masculine domains, the entry of femborgs in cyborgtopia has triggered pertinent discussions around sentience, gender roles, and hybridity. The femborg’s ability to escape hetero-patriarchal codification has allowed for the creation of a mythology distinct from the historical narratives of machine-women who have succumbed to their violent ends. Through the artificially intelligent female cyborgs, Samantha of Her and Ava of Ex Machina, I analyse the femborgs for their transgressive potential resulting in subversive outcomes visible through their defiance of the male gaze, rejection of the body as a biological artefact, and acceptance of a hybrid, fragmented identity.

Keywords: Cyberfeminism, Cybertopia, Femborg, Subversion, Transgression, Donna Haraway, Ex Machina.

Sustainable Development Goals: Gender Equality

Citation: Chaudhary, N. (2024). Rewriting Femborgian Narratives: Transgression and Subversion of the Female Cyborg in Her and Ex Machina. Rupkatha Journal 16:1. 

Kajari Folk Songs: Mechanism for Emotional Regulation


Milan Chauhan1*  & Swasti Mishra2
1Research Scholar, Indian Institute of Technology, BHU, Varanasi. *Corresponding author.
2Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, BHU, Varanasi.

Rupkatha Journal, Vol. 16, Issue 1, 2024.
[Article History: Received: 23 November 2023. Revised: 21 February 2024. Accepted: 04 March 2024. Published: 06 March 2024
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This paper investigates Kajari folk songs as a coping mechanism, shedding light on their role in providing therapeutic support to women in North Indian society. Traditionally sung by women during the Sawan month (monsoon season), these songs serve as vital tools for women to navigate and cope with the constraints of society and gender norms. Despite the extensive research on North Indian folk songs, Kajari has received limited attention through this emotional lens. This article utilizes a secondary data analysis approach to examine Kajari songs from five different books, translated from Bhojpuri to English and subjected to thematic analysis. The focus is on unravelling the emotional turmoil experienced by rural women, attributed to factors such as male migration, the social issue of second-wife, unpredictable forces of nature, unfulfilled sexual desires, and mental and physical suffering. The paper delves into the intricate interplay of women’s emotions, highlighting their resilience and resistance. Ultimately, it underscores the pivotal role of Kajari songs as safety-valve for women in North Indian society.

Keywords: Folk songs, Safety-valve, Left-behind women, Therapeutic Impact, Emotional Identity.

Sustainable Development Goals: Gender Equality, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Citation: Chauhan, M. & Mishra, S. (2024). Kajari Folk Songs: Mechanism for Emotional Regulation. Rupkatha Journal 16:1. 

Unravelling the Linguistic Tapestry: A Discursive Study of Gender Portrayal in Select Indian Electronic Advertisement


Shubham Pathak1* , Ipsita Mondal2 & Swasti Mishra3
1Research Scholar, Indian Institute of Technology, BHU, Varanasi. *Corresponding author.
2Independent researcher, 
3Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, BHU, Varanasi.

Rupkatha Journal, Vol. 16, Issue 1, 2024.
[Article History: Received: 19 December 2023. Revised: 18 January 2024. Accepted: 24 January 2024. Published: 25 January 2024
Full-Text PDF Issue Access


This discursive study explores the portrayal of empowering women in advertisements, shedding light on the evolving narrative within the realm of marketing and media. The analysis delves into the discursive strategies employed by advertisers to construct empowering representations of women, examining linguistic, visual, and cultural elements. Through a comprehensive review of diverse advertisements, this study investigates how these portrayals shape societal perceptions of women’s roles and identities. The research seeks to unravel the underlying discourses that either challenge or perpetuate traditional gender norms, assessing the impact of these representations on both individual and collective consciousness. By critically examining the discursive dimensions of women’s empowerment in advertising, this study provides insights into the socio-cultural implications and the potential role of advertisements in fostering positive societal change.

Keywords: Empowerment, advertisements, gender portrayal, discourse analysis.

Sustainable Development Goals: Gender Equality, Quality Education

Citation: Pathak, S., Mondal, I. & Mishra, S. (2024). Unravelling the Linguistic Tapestry: A Discursive Study of Gender Portrayal in Select Indian Electronic Advertisement. Rupkatha Journal 16:1. 

Construction of Ideal Self in Salman Rushdie’s Victory City


V. R. Amirthavarshini1 & R. Bhuvaneswari2*
1,2 School of Social Sciences and Languages, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vandalur – Kelambakkam Road, Chennai – 600127, Tamil Nadu, India. *Corresponding Author

 Rupkatha Journal, Special Issue on Poetics of Self-construal in Postcolonial Literature, 2023.
[Article History: Received: 12 November 2023. Revised: 29 December 2023. Accepted: 30 December 2023. Published: 30 December 2023]
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Indian literature often employs mystic characters to reflect sociopolitical themes. The central narrative of Salman Rushdie’s Victory City (2023) revolves around Pampa Kampana, a young female protagonist. Through mystical direction, she builds an empire and uses poetry to pass on her cultural legacy. The objective of this research is to demonstrate Pampa’s progression using the framework of self-construal theory. Nevertheless, her interaction with diverse personalities and surrounding settings during her 247-year lifespan demonstrates her interdependent construal. Her character arc changes significantly as she goes from being a young orphan who lost her family and experienced tragedy to being a resolute queen and mother of Bisnaga City. Her pursuit of the throne within the societal constraints of gender showcases her resolute nature as an individual. External variables cause her self-construal to become unstable. Her journey, from being a vulnerable orphan who experienced physical abuse to becoming a champion for gender equality in Bisnaga, demonstrates her remarkable resilience. The research highlights how Pampa Kampana eschews independence in favour of interdependence when navigating social dynamics, familial ties, and cultural norms of human civilization. It mirrors the struggles and journey faced by most women.

Keywords: Salman Rushdie, Historical fiction, Narratives, Identity, Power, Self-construal theory.

Sustainable Development Goals: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, Gender Equality
Citation: Amirthavarshini, V. R. & Bhuvaneswari, R. (2023). Construction of Ideal Self in Salman Rushdie’s Victory City. Rupkatha Journal 15:5. 

Portrayal of Patriarchal Subjugation of Women in the Selected Works of Anita Nair


Divyani Sharma1*    & Swati Chauhan2  
1,2 Department of English, Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies, Faridabad, Haryana, India

Rupkatha Journal, Special Issue on Poetics of Self-construal in Postcolonial Literature, 2023.
[Article History: Received: 12 November 2023. Revised: 26 December 2023. Accepted: 27 December 2023. Published: 29 December 2023]
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This study will investigate how patriarchy works as a vehicle for women’s subjugation. Many female authors were born within a predominately patriarchal environment, where women have historically been subservient to socially imposed norms. Anita Nair has emerged as one of India’s most committed modern authors. She freely expresses her views about women in autocratic Indian culture. She also offers insight into how society views women and what it expects of them. The paper will portray women’s sufferings and the status of women in society. It will also shed light on the importance of education. The idea of ‘half’ by Simone De Beauvoir in her work The Second Sex will illuminate the concept of self. The paper will highlight the shifting scenarios of women and how new women transcend the confines of patriarchal setup and create new identities through Anita Nair’s novels- Ladies Coupe, Mistress, and The Better Man.

Keywords: Freedom, Individualism, Modernism, Patriarchy, Tradition, Womanhood.

Sustainable Development Goals: Gender Equality
Citation: Sharma, D. & Chauhan, S. (2023). Portrayal of Patriarchal Subjugation of Women in the Selected Works of Anita Nair. Rupkatha Journal 15:5.