Gender Studies - Page 6

LGBT Themes in Children’s Media and Literature: Mirroring the Contemporary Culture and Society


Komal Yadav1 & Dr. Nipun Kalia
Chandigarh University, Mohali, Punjab. ORCID: 0000-0002-9712-8670
1Corresponding author: Email:

Rupkatha Journal, Vol. 14, Issue 2, April-June, 2022, Pages

First published: June 19, 2022 | Area: Gender Studies | License: CC BY-NC 4.0

(This article is published under Volume 14, Number2, 2022)
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LGBT Themes in Children’s Media and Literature: Mirroring the Contemporary Culture and Society


Queer theory in the context of cultural studies looks at a variety of cultural structures of the gay or lesbian as divergent, and prompts us to question the traditions in which an entire variety of sexuality has been omitted by the ‘politics of identity’, a politics that informs and polices popular cultural representations of the Queer. Moreover, it focuses on the limiting nature of identity and has primarily functioned as denaturalizing discourses. Culture is related to questions of collective social connotations, i.e., the many ways we make meaning of the ways of the world. However, meanings are not merely floating, rather they are produced. While watching cartoons might seem an innocent pastime, it has a lot more to do with the child’s psychology. Compared with other genres, cartoons can potentially trivialize and bring humor to adult themes and contribute to an atmosphere in which children view these depictions as normative and acceptable. Television shows, books, and movies with sexually-confusing messages introduce children to falsehoods and immorality and create insecurity among them. A general belief exists in the conventional heterosexual society that children are not equipped to handle these adult themes. The present paper tries to unfold the LGBT representation in children’s media, its impact on the child’s psychology and how it mirrors the contemporary culture & society.  This study will also investigate the need and appropriateness of the LGBT themes in children’s media along with their role in depicting the culture and society. The texts and media under study in the paper are Steven Universe, Danger & Eggs, Incredibles 2, The Legend of Korra and In A Heartbeat, Heather Has Two Mommies, Uncle Bobby’s Wedding, Mommy, Mama, and Me, and Daddy, Papa, and Me, King & King and Daddy’s Roommate.

Keywords: LGBT, queer, culture, society, cartoons, anime, children’s literature, transnormativity, homosexual, bisexuality, heterosexual, dequeer, heteronormative discourse

Queer theory is largely concerned with lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered persons and societal concerns derived from LGBT and Feminist perspectives. However, it is a slippery slope since the inclusion of all identities that conflict with normative constructs is advocated. Classifying everything as Queer certainly fails to create meaningful understandings of individuals who, in their daily lives, are prejudiced against assuming positions of authority. Traditionally, in the heterosexual society, the existence of a kid who is openly LGBTQ is denied. It has been a long tradition in the study of children’s literature to examine the relationship between the real child reader and the imagined or inferred child reader, and adults present from the text’s invention through its reception. Just because we mirror and absorb our surroundings, external influences may have an impact on our personalities (Gecas and Schwalbe, 1983). This applies to children as well as adults. Symbolic representations and characters in children’s books serve as points of identification and sources of motivation for good deeds (Tetenbaum and Pearson, 1989). Children’s books provide a window into the cultural norms via the words and imagery they use (Fox, 1993). It’s crucial to know what messages and pictures children’s books with ‘gay’ or ‘same-sex’ oriented characters convey since they reveal an early understanding of their sexual orientation. Children’s literature is an important part of socialization. The children’s literature market is now flourishing (Brugeilles et al., 2002). When it comes to a child’s psychology, viewing cartoons may appear like an innocent pleasure. Children’s cartoons can trivialize and bring comedy to adult subjects, creating an environment where these representations are seen as normal and appropriate.

In recent times, young-adult works have endeavoured to fiercely handle subjects that bother youngsters. Consequently, the necessity to keep queer characters behind the curtains hidden from the interfering gazes of adults has dissipated to some extent.  Media role models supposedly affect personality traits as well as the values of an individual by the way of identification. There are two kinds of identification. Similarity identification is defined as finding similarities with or idealizing a media figure and living vicariously through his or her activities. Wishful identification, on the other hand, occurs when an individual desires to resemble a media figure due to the media figure’s appealing qualities (Matthews, 2018).

Television and books communicate and mirror culture in a variety of ways. The imageries of childhood T.V. programs persist within children as dominant parts of their memories (Anderson et al., 2001). In this manner, T.V. outlines generational subcategories in the culture. The characters and the way they are portrayed in picture books or other children’s books have an everlasting impact on children’s psychology. Whether considering animated series or animated films, the more the young ones are exposed to a mediated message, the more they are expected to observe that message as reflecting reality.

“Childhood has been recognized as a crucial emblematic function in neoliberal sexual politics, and it has been duly regularized as a central queer concern: an arguable crucible or ground zero of all sexual politics. This especially pertains to the child’s implication in regimes of categorization that are to govern complex coordinations of subjectivity across class, race, gender, maturational, and sexual fault lines (coordinations often related to what anthropologists used to call the incest taboo). At the same time, the child may be considered to harbour potential for resilience in the face of these overarching forms of containment.” (Janssen, 2020)

Impressions of media models made on child audiences affect their beliefs of the culture. Cartoons are more expected to sustain cultural norms despite challenging them. The same can be analysed in cartoons like Steven Universe, Danger and Eggs, Incredibles 2, and The Legend of Korra.

Steven Universe is one of the progressive shows which displays a range of diverse gender creative and queer characters. The series destabilizes gender by deconstructing the pre-established binaries. Love is handled inclusively, and is not restricted to romances which are heterosexual.

“The show is radically revolutionizing trans representation in media by being willing to give voice to less often represented gender identities. It provides us with a framework with which to investigate how agender and genderqueer identities and experiences can not only function but thrive within the genre boundaries of the fantasy cartoon. This genre, and here Steven Universe serves as an exemplar, tends to embrace a particular reliance on “magic” to define its set of narrative rules, images, and possibilities.” (Dunn, 2016)

Steven Universe, although not flawless, is an agreeable illustration of how cartoons can teach future generations what it is to go ahead of labels and defy expectations. One way in which Steven Universe depicts LGBT relations is by “fusion,” i.e. when two “gems” fall in love with each other and merge into one. For example, in the episode named: “Alone Together,” we see Steven and Connie “fuse” into Stevonnie who is a non-binary character and employs gender-neutral pronouns: they/them. In the episode: “Jail Break,” we discovered that Garnet, who is Steven’s guardian, is the creation formed out of a fusion between Ruby and Sapphire. Garnet is the living embodiment of a normalized lesbian romance, as her song goes, “I’m made of love.”

The idea of a chosen family is introduced in the show. For example:  “Connie Maheswaran is not related biologically to anyone in the rest of the family, and lives with her own (biological, nuclear) family, but has been accepted by the Gems, Greg, and Steven into their extended, chosen family unit, and has been taught aspects of Gem ways.” (Ondricka, 2017)

A chosen family is a set of people who intentionally ‘choose’ each other to assume important roles. One description of ‘chosen family’ is a set of people with whom you are not biologically connected yet emotionally attached and account for as ‘family’. There are several explanations why such a concept holds significance in various queer communities. Many queers simply fail to secure a way into the traditional ways of family building. Chosen families also frequently come into existence due to need. Several queer people do not depend upon their biologically determined families just like other (so-called normal) persons would probably be able to. In this cartoon, the concept of ‘chosen family’, ‘lesbianism’ and ‘gender-neutral pronouns’ are introduced. It communicates to the young viewers the ever-prevalent concept of the social institution called family along with introducing new dimensions to the same conventional concept. This new aspect is functioning to teach the children about the viability of less imagined/ never thought of options. The prevalent cultural norms are not hindered, but new possibilities are introduced.

Danger and Eggs, aired on Amazon Prime, has won Daytime Emmy Award, with its intriguing, colourful, unusual style of animation and assemblage of appealingly unconventional characters fits into the similar sort of “alternate universe” as related animated series Steven Universe and Adventure Time. Moreover, it is filled with queer and trans characters, whose voices are given by queer and trans actors. Its episodes contain central leitmotifs such as Pride celebrations and chosen families. Moreover, because it is a series having young children as its target audience, all themes are tackled in a pleasingly entertaining and unobjectionable manner. Danger & Eggs is a pleasant dive into LGBT family entertainment. There are also a lot of inordinate themes and messages that are significant for all children, those who belong to LGBT families and even those who don’t. But may have a distinct connotation for queer children, like discovering their identity, interrogating rulebooks and being keen to change their minds. In one of the episodes, two characters Phillip and DD Danger form a band along with a child called Milo who makes use of they/them pronouns. Rest of the characters on no occasion question that, there is no awkward discussion elucidating non-binary pronouns, rather all simply call them either by using “they” or “them” pronouns or by their name. This highlights transnormativity in children’s media. (transnormativity is the normalizing of transgender people’s existence and their experiences.)

Its first season clocks in at a respectable 13 half-hour episodes mostly comprised of two stories each. It’s a joy to watch, but the real power and importance of this show are hidden behind the laughs. The sunny side-up brilliance of Danger and Eggs can be highlighted through its theme song which goes like this: “It’s about a kid, an egg, a park, they do stuff. There’s more to it than that. It’s kind of hard to explain.” Danger and Eggs stars DD Danger and Phillip. DD Danger is the turquoise-haired girl who is the last in the line of the Daring Dangers – a family of stunt performers. Given her family history, she too dedicates her life to sweet stunts and dangerous action. Her best friend Phillip, an anthropomorphic egg, still lives inside his mother – a giant chicken that has taken roost in the centre of the aptly named Chickenpaw Park. In the show, neither of the main characters discredits the other, which promotes the culture of acceptance and assimilation. Both the characters are open to change, they seek to be the best they can be as they grow along the way. They face their fears, adapt to change, find forgiveness, fight injustice, and question rules, all while having fun and being genuinely happy. Danger and Eggs deftly dances between the perilous path of teaching complex morals and lessons without coming across as preachy, cloying, or pandering. There are many progressive ideas that the show advocates, as in the episode named Pennies, they explain the complicated concept of ‘confirmation bias’. Confirmation bias is the propensity to understand new evidence as validation of one’s prevailing biases, opinions or concepts. When Phillip donates the pennies from the wishing fountain to buy cat wheelchairs, the locals freak out fearing their wishes have been stolen and undone. This forces Phillip and DD to explain why that’s wrong as they face mob persecution. This is pretty heavy stuff for a children’s show. The show also tackles lessons like the importance of breaking traditions that make anyone unhappy, learning not to discredit people based on their appearance, the importance of political activism in the face of apathy, and the knowledge that family doesn’t begin and end with those you are directly related to. The show proudly and confidently pushes a message of progressive LGBTQ inclusiveness in every episode. And that comes from the DNA of the creative team heading the project.

While mainstream shows like Steven Universe, Loud House, and Star vs The Forces of Evil have dipped their toes into exploring queer subtext, Danger and Eggs simply makes it text and does so in a way that makes it look effortless. The show does not stereotype the LGBTQ community. It never takes the time to hold the audience by the hand or create othering qualifiers that allow its LGBTQ characters to be pushed into subtext. It never calls attention to any of its inclusive elements. It simply shows these things as normal. And that’s really the greatest lesson Danger and Eggs subversively teaches its young audience that this is normal, that there’s nothing strange or awkward or wrong about using they/ them pronouns, or having two fathers, or celebrating pride day, or cheering on a young trans girl who recently transitioned. By presenting these elements as normal, it eliminates the shame and stigma LGBTQ people face.

Other such cartoons like Bugs Bunny and The Simpsons also have trans and homosexual characters that just like the formerly discussed series make children aware of the LGBT culture that runs parallel to the mainstream culture. Consequently, the children are able to identify, accept and assimilate LGBTQ individuals and their culture from beginning, which prevents them from facing a cultural shock later in life.  “…the scenes of trickstering in Rabbit Fire require that Bugs Bunny’s agency be located somewhere outside conventional economies of desire: indeed, his persistent ability to queer the pitch of signification suggests that the rabbit is always already queer.” (Savoy, 1995)

In Incredibles 2, the characters Elastigirl and Evelyn though did not explicitly unveil their sexuality but are interpreted as queer by the audience. It makes a subversive social commentary and allegory. The new character Voyd, a queer stan, acts as ‘lesbian metaphor’. She worships Elastigirl for smoothening the road for other females as she makes women more visible by being the example of a successful breadwinner of the family. Voyd mentions that she is “out and proud” of herself despite the preconceptions of society. These subtle clues hint at the probability of Voyd being a homosexual.

The concluding section in the final episode of The Legend of Korra aired on Nickelodeon explored the likelihood of a romantic relationship between two female characters, Korra and Asami. The two eventually choose to go on a private vacation together and enter a new magical realm, with fingers interlocked and beholding lovingly into each other’s eyes. The scene is a ‘sequence of actions’ that ‘change the perceptions of its viewers. This is a rhetorical scene and is eventually up to the viewers to infer signs such as holding hands as indicating romantic tension between both the women.

“When it came to the final scenes of the episode in which Korra and Asami’s relationship moves from platonic to romantic, creator Bryan Konietzko asked himself, ‘How do I know we can’t openly depict that?’” (Banks, 2021)

Though inclusivity of the LGBTQ people is occasional but upgraded in media now, visibility of bisexuality precisely is very low. Shows like The Legend of Korra could serve as an encouraging depiction of bisexuality as it is effortlessly incorporated instead of using it as a device or joke in the plot. The graphic novel series creatively demonstrated the friendship evolved into a relationship between the two female lead characters. Initially, the readers showed surprise at the shift in the love interests but the overall response was positive and enthusiastic implying a certain degree of acceptance of the concept of bisexuality. The intention that the author tried to portray through the series included smoothening the ride of the LGBTQ in their constant battle with the world. The duo went through challenges, a love triangle but found romance in the most unexcepted of places. The series ended with the two protagonists intimately holding each other while fading away into the beautiful sunset. The diverse approach towards representing the queers through the undeniable power of media has had a great impact on our culture as the viewers were emotionally forced to lay down their traditional views and sympathize with the repressed community and their struggles. A similar message is conveyed through the short anime-based film created by students- In A Heartbeat (2017), which showcased a love story of two boys. This stands uniquely as a queer representation of sharing something rare and genuine is not often seen. The creators of this short four-minute six-second film, shed light on the fact that the aim of the film is to decrease the confusion amongst kids as they grow up.

Heather Has Two Mommies, written by Leslea Newman helps in making children more culturally competent. It is an iconic children’s picture book that tells a tale of a little girl who happens to be a child of a lesbian couple, Mama Kate, a doctor, and Mama Jane, a carpenter. Life was normal until the first day of school when she comes face to face with the reality that she doesn’t have a daddy. A classmate of hers, David, enquires about the occupation of her daddy, a question that leaves her in confusion and she wonders if she is the only one who doesn’t have a daddy. It was her teacher who helped everyone understand and accept that each family is unique and special in their own way:

“It doesn’t matter how many mommies or how many daddies your family has. It doesn’t matter if your family has sisters or brothers or cousins or grandmas or grandpas or uncles or aunts. Each family is special. The most important thing about a family is that all the people in love each other.” (Newman, 2009, p. 14-15)

The piece of literature faced a lot of criticism, and judgements and was put under the ban. As long as the literature is portrayed accurately and appropriately, it has all rights to be published and placed in libraries. Heather has two mommies ‘dequeers’ lesbian families by holding them equivalent to heterosexual or so-called normal families. The book takes a step ahead in an endeavour to inform the people that LGBT households are just like other or normal households while at the same time handling the unique problems they encounter. Concludingly, we can say that Leslea Newman’s book didn’t contain any superficial romance and the story presented life as it truly is- plain and simple. On similar grounds, Leslea Newman has penned the books Mommy, Mama and Me and Daddy, Papa and Me. These rhythmic illustrations/books similarly reinforce the notion of a happy and normal family of a homosexual couple. The couple in Mommy, Mama and Me tucks the kid in bed and kisses the child goodnight in a way a heterosexual couple would do: “Now I am tucked in nice and tight. Mommy and Mama kiss me goodnight.”  The child in Daddy, Papa and Me kisses his father goodnight: “Now Daddy and Papa are tucked in tight. I kiss them both and say night-night!”. There are believable families in both the books, with nothing extravagant or abnormal.  These brightly illustrated books introduce the concept of LGBT culture in a light-hearted and lyrical manner. It shows that it shouldn’t matter if the families are straight or not, what truly matters is the love they share.

In the book written by Sarah S. Brannen named Uncle Bobby’s Wedding, an anthropomorphic young guinea pig Chloe is bothered by the idea of her uncle’s marriage to his boyfriend Jamie, as she thinks he will not have fun with her anymore. Chloe can be seen as the personification of the conventional society that we have been living in and an embodiment of the apprehensions that the traditional society and culture hold for the idea of homosexual marriages. Just as Chloe is afraid of family relations and change, the society is also a way unaccepting of changes and alterations in the prevailing cultures. Unlike the other LGBT-themed children’s books, this book doesn’t depict a child’s struggle against the negative views, it suggests that same-sex relationships can normally exist and there is not any need to defend them. The final scene features Bobby and Jamie with Chloe between them and the light of the full moon shining upon them suggests that even the homosexual couples are complete in themselves and do not need the opposite gender to complete them.

King & King authored by Stern Nijland, presents Bertie, a prince of marriageable age for whom a princess is being searched. The book disrupts the conventional formula of a boy falling in love with a girl. The queen invites princesses from all over the world to meet her son but none could interest the prince. Princess Madeleine accompanied by her brother Prince Lee also visits. Both Bertie and Lee fall in love at first sight and they get married. The entire ceremony concludes smoothly and the kingdom gets another king as the two princes are declared ‘King and King’. The ending scene of the story shows the kings kissing and embracing each other. This story was claimed to be inappropriate by many parents and a lawsuit was filed against it. There exist multiple orientations based on culture, sex and gender all around us. It is unfair to exclude them within the walls of a classroom therefore such books play an important role.

Another incredible example of the contemporary LGBT culture is the book Daddy’s Roommate written by Willhoite, M. (1990) which presents the homosexuality concept to be normal and acceptable. The book is reinforcing the idea of a gay couple being as happy, responsible and functional as a straight couple. Moreover, the book is informative rather than persuasive. The main character is a boy whose parents are divorced so he lives alternatively with both his parents. The boy’s father has a roommate who is his love interest. The boy is taught that “being gay is just another type of love. And love is the best kind of happiness”. The book is one of the first to provide a positive portrayal of the homosexual community and is aimed at amending the discrimination that they face. The book endeavours to present the idea of gender roles and sexuality in a new way.

As highlighted in the books: Heather Has Two Mommies and Uncle Bobby’s Wedding, Mommy, Mama, and me, and Daddy, Papa, and me, King & King and Daddy’s Roommate, in children’s literature, the theme of homonormativity is clearly evident.

“…because this sub-genre of children’s literature is still developing, evidence suggests that there is also a small but important number of contemporary texts that have the potential to expand the ways in which LGBTIQ?+?families are depicted.” (Hedberg, 2020)

Effective social justice movements, including those at the level of children’s literature, address the ways different forms of oppression intersect and affect the experiences of diverse queer identities. Children’s literature can help combat heteronormative discourse by instilling at a young age the inherent value of all people. Inclusive children’s literature can help combat socialized aspects of heteronormativity and other forms of oppression.

Children’s books reinforce heteronormativity through the nearly exclusive celebration of homonormative and nonthreatening LGBT characters. A subgenre of children’s literature is referred to as new queer children’s literature. The authors represent queer youth as they negotiate various social institutions, especially the family and society. It is suggested that an ambivalent reading of these images—one neither committed to anti-normativity nor assimilation—can help us understand the queer present at its most affirmative and, by extension, aid us in beginning to theorize possible queer futures. As stated by Dr. Gayle E. Pitman, a professor of psychology at Sacramento City College in California and author of several LGBT -themed books designed for kids:

“There’s a concept called symbolic annihilation in psychology and sociology, which is the idea that if you don’t see yourself represented or reflected in society or in media (television, movies, books), you essentially don’t exist. That’s why it’s so important to have L.G.B.T. representations in children’s books.” (Pitman, 2018)

Considering the formerly discussed cartoons and books addressing LGBT themes, children’s media/books shouldn’t simply be asexual, just as children aren’t asexual. This points to the fact that gender identity and sexual orientation do not in any way point at children being sexual in the same way as adults but rather signify the perceptibility of such concepts at an early stage of life. This can clearly be seen in a girl child marrying her doll to the prince charming, a little boy racing his car. So, it can be noticed in queer children when they couple their dolls differently or play roles in child games according to where they think they fit perfectly, irrespective of the sex that they were born with.


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Komal Yadav is a Research Scholar in the Department of English at Chandigarh University. Her research concentrates on queerness in children’s literature and media.

Dr. Nipun Kalia is an Associate Professor of English at the University Institute of Liberal Arts and Humanities, Chandigarh University, where he teaches Literary Theory and Criticism, Gender Studies, Film Studies/Theory and other courses. He earned a doctorate from the Department of English and Cultural Studies, Panjab University, Chandigarh where he specialized in investigating the ways in which gender politics and conventional cinematic representations of sexuality are depicted and explored in selected films. He occasionally conducts workshops on Gender Sensitization and Equality.

Resistance and Ungendering: Poetry of Mona Zote and Monalisa Changkija


Debajyoti Biswas1 & Pratyusha Pramanik2

1Associate Professor of English; Bodoland University, Kokrajhar, Assam, India. ORCID: 0000-0001-5041-8171. Email:

2Senior Research Fellow; Department of Humanistic Studies, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) Varanasi, India. ORCID:0000-0001-8854-5504. Email:

Rupkatha Journal, Vol. 14, Issue 2, April-June, 2022, Pages 1–12.

First published: June 09, 2022 | Area: Northeast India | License: CC BY-NC 4.0

(This article is published under Themed Issue on Literature of Northeast India)
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Resistance and Ungendering: Poetry of Mona Zote and Monalisa Changkija


While the academic world talks of different waves of feminism that have emerged in Europe and the US in the past few centuries, the feminists from the third world countries have reservations on the use of a western framework of feminism in investigating the challenges faced by the women from third world countries.  The structural discrimination that permeates the gender divide in India is so variegated that a homogenous reprisal will be inadequate to understand the problems that persist among several ethnic communities in a postcolonial context. Neither religion nor education could erase the structural discrimination that continues to exist in these ethnic societies because of the persistence of regressive “customary laws” that allow male domination. This essay argues that the emerging feminist voices like Monalisa Chankija and Mona Zote from India’s north-east have used “performativity” as a tool to counter these gendered societies on one hand, and on the other hand it has also un-gendered the “essence” of cultural constructs putting it under suspension. However, the success of this effort seems limited only to the literary world as efforts are still underway to bring substantial changes into the political world.

Keywords: Monalisa Changkija, Mona Zote, North East India, Performativity, Third-world Feminism.  

Introduction: Feminist voices from Northeast

For a very long time, the literary and intellectual world has been dominated by male authority. This is why the corpus of knowledge relating to philosophy, history, theology, literature, and even science was not only androcentric but was also misogynistic in its tone and language. Meeta Deka (2013) points out, “Historiography, in general, suffers from an amnesia in respect to several categories that include women, peasants, workers and other marginalized voices […] This Historical amnesia was diagnosed by the growth of feminism and feminist movements since the 1960s” (p. xvii). Texts related to women or about women were also produced mostly by men and the female experiences were hardly recorded and they tended to exist in the periphery or the footnotes (Ray, 2001, p. 1; Eagleton, 2007, p. 106). Consequently, women read about themselves through the perception of men, and later on, when they wrote about themselves, they conformed to the plastic image of women created by men. Mary Eagleton writes that “these feminists are as guilty as the most misogynistic men of marginalizing women and not representing them at all” (p. 105).

This image of women as conceived of by the creative and sexual imaginary of men produced a model which was to be appropriated and internalized by women. The “second wave” of feminism found the male linguistic artifice suffocating their feminine voices. This is because the phallocentric matrix of vocabulary and subsequent cultural production were devoid of lexicon that could accommodate feminine expressions (Jones, 1981).  Writing played a pivotal role in the emancipation of women not only from patriarchal domination but also from themselves, which had so long been entrenched into the matrixes of patriarchy. This functions well in educated and elite societies where women’s movements have support from civil society. But this option remains inconsequential in peripheral ethnic societies marred by violence and remoteness. The tribal societies in North East India are a case in hand, which according to Temsula Ao are “still engaged in solitary activity” (2010, p. 171). The two women poets dealt with here come from Naga and Mizo ethnic groups living in India’s North East. While relating to their poetic work, this chapter will contextualize their experiences with the socio-political history of the places from where they write. Drawing on Chandra Talpade Mohanty’s (2011) idea of writing as resistance, this chapter argues that the women poets from North East India use writing not as a tool of self-expression, but also as a “performance” through which they ungender the cultural constructs by putting those under suspension. These cultural artifacts are then stripped of the constructed essence and eventually re-invested with a new essence through their poetic expression.

Double resistance through verse

Mohanty (2011) asserts that “questions of political consciousness and self-identity are a crucial aspect of defining Third World women’s engagement with feminism” (p. 286). The scenario in North East India is different from the rest of India in this matter. North East India is the home to several ethnic communities (Biswas, 2021) and many of these communities have been converted to Christianity after 1826 (Karotempral, 2009). Christianity was seen as a way of liberating these ethnic communities from their “savage” practices by making them “civilized” (Guha, 1996). These civilizing missions not only disrobed the indigenous communities of their tradition, identity, and heritage, they also distanced them from their past, from themselves. Charles Grant argued in favour of proselytizing the various communities in India so that their lives, habits, and customs could be changed and brought to par with western civilization (Ghosh, 2013, p. 14). This vision was finally realized with the coming of Bentinck and T.B. Macaulay who introduced a modern education system built on the western Christian guiding principle (Ghosh, 2013; U. Deka, 1989; Mukherjee, 2000). Whereas this transformation appeared liberating, in reality, it only brought a new kind of colonial domination and subordination. The ethnic social structures and traditional knowledge systems were destroyed by this interference which complicated matters further. On one hand, religion outlined the objectives of the converted communities clubbing them as a separate identity and nation different from pan-Indian identity; on the other hand, the Church became a powerful medium of domination and subjugation as articulated in the poems by Mona Zote and Desmond Kharmawphlang (Kharmawphlang, 2011). Women also became victims of the political turmoil that rocked the North Eastern states since 1947 (Banerjee, 2014). They were caught in the conflict between the state and the militants. These experiences are visible in the poetic works of Mona Zote and Monalisa Changkija. The double resistance that flows from the feminist poets is not only directed against the conflict situation but is also directed against the patriarchal domination.

Most of the tribal communities in North East India follow customary laws which allow them to carry on their ethnic practices with a legal sanction (Buongpui, 2013). Although some of the practices like marriage or divorce laws may be a contravention to the Indian constitution, yet the ethnic space is given a scope to continue with those practices (Borah, 2015). On examining the folk literature of these communities, one may find that these customary practices and the social structure that scaffold these practices are inherently patriarchal. For example, the Mizo story of Pi HmuakiZaitells us about the persecution of a female vocalist because of her extraordinary skills. She was killed and buried along with her gong by the menfolk of her community (Zama, 2011, p. 207). Among the Khasis a sexist proverb is in circulation- “Haba la kynih ka iarkynthei la wai ka pyrthei,” meaning “when the hen crows, it will be the end of the world or world will be in ruin” (Borah, 2015, 45). Among the Manipuri Meiteis, the women were denied the right to property (Basanti 164) because ownership of a property is a marker of social status. Among the Arunachalis too, women live in a marginalized position (Misra, 2011b, 230). The Idu Mishmi has a proverb that tells us of the deep-seated misogynistic practices: “Aru Pe Gu Noyu-Mbo Mi.” This means “women are like anchorless boats which move easily, even with the slightest stir. It is this logic that projects women as unsuitable in positions of power (Aich, 2015).” All these proverbs narrate the subordinate position of women in the tribal societies in North East India. The discourse on women’s empowerment is too good to be true in societies dominated by customary practices. The grand narrative that is created through such mythical discourses or proverbs in the tribal society contributes largely to the subordination of women. Such discourses enter the storytelling and decide the role assigned to women, which is then iterated in all kinds of cultural and political discourses assuming the cloak of truth. Temsula Ao (2006) writing about the plight of women in North East India states that “In actual reality, in this society, women are considered to be of little or no significance in matters relating to the origin, history and civil life of the people. But in fictive reality of these narratives, women have been portrayed as re-appropriating the powers that men actually wield in real life” (pp.23). Therefore, the task of women writers is not only to confront the patriarchal domination but also to portray the struggles through their writings. Talpade Mohanty points out the role of publishing houses and university curriculum in bringing about this revolutionary change in this struggle. The two poets discussed in this chapter illustrate this.

Mona Zote, through her poems, challenges the stereotypes created in society against women. She challenges these cultural stereotypes on one hand and also on the other hand, questions the demonization of women in patriarchal societies. In “The Whores of August”Zotetries to humanize the “fallen women.” She speaks of prostitution in the Mizo society where Christian missionaries are in charge of the law of the land. Not only are sex workers marginalized in these societies they are viewed with contempt. Zote (2003) speaking of these prostitutes notes-

And in the Madonnic embrace find
What no perfect daughters would deny
Sweetness in all their ways ( 201)

By using the imagery of Madonna, Zote offers a critique of the Christian missionaries who have subverted the existence of these women. Thus, they may not have become the “perfect daughter” as the patriarchal society would expect them to, but they manage to retain their individuality. On one hand, she critiques the authoritarian Church for the inhumane treatment it lays down for these sex workers, and on the other hand, she also highlights the subordinate status of the perfect daughters or perfect wives who have bartered their individuality for a rightful place in the society. The sex workers are women who cannot legitimately be mothers or wives. Patriarchy derides and relegates them to subaltern position, and even when visible they are simply confined to defined spaces (Geetha, 2007, p. 6). Patriarchy only sanctions women who could give birth to children and act as active parents bringing them up as future citizens (Geetha, 2007, p. 48). Neither the Church nor the tribal society accepted women who broke these stereotypes. Monalisa Chankija too while writing about sex workers wonders-

If Prostitutes and other
“Morally-loose women”
are social evils,
so are “God-fearing
Chaste women”
who have mothered
wife-battering sons. (Weapons of Words on Pages of Pain 6)

Here, Chankija tries to redefine what the patriarchal agents have culturally constructed as the idea of “Morally-loose women”. In a way she advocates decriminalization of sex work and consider it as being a source of livelihood (Pillai 313-326; Kotiswaran). Much like Nivedita Menon she draws a parallel between marriage and prostitution; while marriage can be “arduous, undignified, and inescapable as sex work…-and unpaid on top of it all! But we try to empower women within marriages not demand the abolition of marriage itself” (184). The poem also notes, how, in patriarchy, women themselves become agents of repressing other women.  By questioning the culturally constructed essence of social roles, Chankija destabilizes the social matrix. Here, the illusion of social identities is being questioned and juxtaposed with each other. The power nexus between married women and “loose women” have been pitted against each other, only to highlight how there is power struggles even among married women. In marriages that are virilocal, that is the wife moving to the husband’s home after the marriage, women “derive their power solely from men” and “they are put into positions that are pitted against one another” (Menon, 2012, p. 44). The poet does not intend to further increase the tension among women, rather she intends to unify women against the patriarchal structures which represses women alike. Such patriarchal structures treat them like “second class citizenry” (Chankija, 1993, Foreword)

In the poems of Monalisa Changkija, we note this to be a recurrent theme- women caught in unequal marriages, sacrificing their dreams, desires, and individuality. Changkija counters the patriarchal norms of the tribal society and questions these unwritten rules set down for women. She writes-

I see it nowhere written
that your unironed shirts
deserve my attention
more than my flying lessons (Chankija, 1993, p.27)

Here, Changkija not only draws our attention towards the gender prescribed roles, but she also subverts them by speaking of a woman’s desire for flying lessons. While flying or driving has been mostly associated with masculinity, the act of flight is also associated with freedom and liberation. So, a woman’s desire to prioritize her flying lessons over domesticity would mean that she is breaking free by ungendering her roles. Butler (1988) observed that-“The authors of gender become entranced by their own fictions whereby the construction compels one’s belief in its necessity and naturalness. The historical possibilities materialized through various corporeal styles are nothing other than those punitively regulated cultural fictions that are alternatively embodied and disguised under duress” (p. 522). Women across cultures have been repressed and culturally constructed for their marginalized existence. This performance of gender is often so inbuilt, that women do not recognize their suppression. They themselves start negotiating a position for themselves, which would be suitable for them after fulfilling their primary responsibility of being the ‘domestic labour’. They start taking up jobs which are tagged as female professions like nursing and teaching, and even when they take up other jobs, they need to limit their ambition at the very onset. Like most of India, even in the North East, this sexual division of labour is so normalized that women do not consider their domestic responsibilities as work. Women’s labor remained invisible until the 1991 Indian census- the state did not recognize such works because they are not performed for any wage. However, in rural areas, the domestic work includes collection of fuel, fodder and water, animal husbandry, livestock maintenance, post-harvest processing and kitchen gardening. These jobs demand considerable physical strength and yet remain unpaid. If women choose not to perform these domestic responsibilities, the men of the house would have to hire someone to perform these jobs and pay them wage, or the goods are to be purchased from the market. (M.K. Raj ,1990, pp. 1-8; M. K. Raj and V. Patel ,1982, pp.16-19). Chankija (1993) writes-

I have discovered……
your life isn’t more precious
your time isn’t more valuable
your profession isn’t more noble
your pay-cheque isn’t heavier
your status isn’t more important
than mine. (p. 21)

With this realization the poet not only breaks out of her gender prescribed role of being the care-giver, she also prioritizes her own profession and her pay-cheque. This is not a personal act of rebellion, as she recognizes her worth as a domestic labour, women start questioning the economy which benefits from this unpaid labour. If the mothers and wives do not perform their assigned gender roles, then either the husband or the state has to pay someone to get this work done (Menon, 2012, p. 15). Women then could become equal contenders in any career of their choice-politics, warfare, sports or any other fields which until now had been dominated by men. They would no longer require to limit their desires.

Chankija’s aspiration for the sky intends to break free of gender stereotypes in more ways than one. She wishes to break free of the cultural fiction which limits her individualism, and this breaking free of cultural constructions, also has punitive repercussions. The women, of whom Changkija speaks of, are not only marginalized and denied of their rights and desires; they are also subjected to domestic violence. The men of these societies resort to masculine aggression to keep intact the gender matrix. Women are reduced to their reproductive and caregiving functions as the men batter and bruise them by “raining blows” with their “masculine hands”- the domestic sphere of the Naga women is as conflictual as the social scene. Violence against women has been normalized and is common in most households. Women are caught in relationships where they find neither solace nor security. The institution of marriage is used to deny women their basic rights. Changkija (2014) writes regarding the Naga marriage that it is a “totally unequal one, where the role of the wife is taken for granted as subservient” (p. 77). They are not only dominated in the household sphere but they are also denied the political rights guaranteed to them by the constitution of India. The patriarchally structured civil societies continue opposing the thirty-three percent reservation for women in Urban Local Bodies (ULB) in Nagaland (Saikia, 2017).  Caught in these unequal marriages the women suffer silently, go through miscarriages and other oppressions. They continue being resilient mothers and wives who continue to fulfill their duties as mothers and wives. Chankija (1993) writes-

Violence-induced miscarriages,
black-eyes and bloodied-lips 
blue-bruises and broken ribs
within the sanctity of marriages
and security of homes,
are unrecorded indexes
of man’s “progress and growth”
on this planet’s unwritten
Pages of Pain (p. 7)

The personal over here becomes political (Hanisch, 1970). The experience of a Naga woman remains no longer restricted to the four walls of her household, her marginalization and the systematic process of otherizing and silencing her is being written and recorded by Changkija here. These untitled poems are extracted from an anthology which she has titled Weapon of Words on Pages of Pain. Changkija has been a reporter by profession who understands the power of words and the need to record the narratives of pain to locate them historically, and further read and theorize them. Her poems do not follow the conventional norms of poetry; with rhyme schemes she suspends the rhythm and conventions to question the prevailing socio-cultural norms and roles. Chankija (1993) writes-

When my verses
do not rhyme
nor conform to
traditional norm,
to you, they are
just words,
not poetry. (p.39)

She is well aware that the society may not acknowledge them as verses, but as mere words and phrases, but this too is an attempt to break free of “sedimented expectations of gendered existence” (Butler, 1988, p.524) Thus, she politicizes the personal not only through her words, but also by breaking free of conventional poetic structures. These poets are trying to rewrite the history of the culture by highlighting the marginalized conditions of women.

Ungendering Culture

These poems become tools of resistance when the patriarchal agents of the society continuously try to silence them; these poems also create political consciousness among Naga women with shared experiences. In the introduction to her book on “life stories of Jamaican women,” Honor Ford-Smith (1987) writes: “These tales encode what is overtly threatening to the powerful into covert images of resistance so that they can live on in times when overt struggles are impossible or build courage in moments when it is. To create such tales is a collective process accomplished within a community bound by a historical process…” (pp. 3-4). As the Naga underground army engaged in a battle with the Indian state, the “Naga way of life” had been turned into a battleground where one could hear the blaring machine guns and revolutionary ideals (Misra, 2011a) – this turmoil finds a parallel in the households of these women, which turned into battles and wars neither lost nor won. Being women, they suffered double oppression in the hands of their men as well as the insurgency. For them, an overt struggle is not possible, so these poems act as a means to unify and record their dissent. Changkija (2003) vents her anguish against the use of brute masculine force to silence them-

“Don’t waste your time
Laying out diktats
And guidelines
On how to conduct my life
On matters personal and political” (pp. 200-201)

Both these poets are vocal about the violence and neglect that the people of the North East have suffered over the years- “the cultural genocide, the attempting to erase tribal heritage, the ravages of insurgency, the authoritarian reign of the church, and so forth” (Bordoloi, 2019, p. 95). The women of these regions have used their words to counter the brutality. In Zote’s “What Poetry Means to Ernestina in Peril” (2005)we are taken into the world of a woman living in a male-dominated society. The evening star tells her that “Ignoring the problems will not make it go away,” and the music reminds her of the “dusty slaughter”, “epidermal crunch” and “sudden bullet to the head” (pp. 66-67). Speaking of the insurgency Mona Zote said in an interview- “People simply shut it out, they don’t think of it on an active level yet the trauma filters through in small ways. And while religion supposedly heals or consoles, it can also inflict cultural damage that is difficult to diagnose or even acknowledge” (Tellis, 2011) The world of Zote at once induces discomfort among the audience, the banality and yet the nonchalance with which she speaks of the violence in her world shows that Ernestina is not a demure voiceless woman. The “third eye” is the poetic imagination which the society or the Repressive State Apparatuses (Althusser, 1971) have cut out of her. With the very act of speaking and thinking as a woman, she breaks out of her gender role of being the silenced woman and reclaims her voice in the patriarchal state. She challenges the historical idea of being a woman in peril. She undoes the process of becoming the woman and ungenders herself as she steps into a violent and grotesque world. In her poetic world, we see Zote reverse the historical and cultural construction of becoming the woman (Beauvoir, 1956, p. 273). She unlearns the authoritarian rule of the church, the violence of the insurgency, and the subordination she has faced as a woman growing up in a patriarchal society. She is not the perfect daughter or wife who would shy away from speaking about the foeticide, miscarriages, the illegitimate children born, and the failed marriages; she blames the church and the state for the peril. Butler in Gender Trouble (1999) problematises the “cultural compulsion” to become a woman; however, in the North East we see a compulsion to be a man. The body becomes a passive battle ground where through determinism or free will cultural meanings are inscribed on the body or meanings are interpreted with the body as the means (p. 12). It is fear, insecurity and anger which pushes them out of their conventional roles and makes them thinkers and critics. Zote (2005) writes, Ernestina would smile and say-

I like a land where babies
are ripped out of their graves, where the church
leads to practical results like illegitimate children and bad marriages
quite out of proportion to the current population, and your neighbour
is kidnapped by demons and the young wither without complaint
and pious women know the sexual ecstasy of dance and peace is kept
by short men with a Bible and five big knuckles on their righteous hands.
Religion has made drunks of us all. The old goat bleats.
We are killing ourselves. I like an incestuous land. (p. 67)

Using both the repressive and ideological state apparatuses (Althusser, 1971), the Mizo people have been “bombed silly out of our minds” (ibid). Here, the very act of thinking or speaking is an act of empowerment, especially when it is done by a woman. The bombing is also an allusion to the bombing of Aizwal by Indira Gandhi in March 1966 (Buhril, 2016).  In Changkija’s “Shoot,” (2011a) she writes “Shoot, after all, we are only an inconvenience of a few lakh souls” (p. 90). The poem addresses the threat of genocide; however, she affirms that they will not move from their dream of a unified brotherhood. “One of these Decades” (2011b) is also a poem addressing the socio-political context of the North East (p. 89). Here, she speaks of living a nightmare and the past mistakes of their forefathers. She believes that this time they will not be lured by “riches and glory”, this time they will not be enslaved by the strangers who have wanted to tame them. The poem alludes to the Christian missionaries who have tried to tame the tribal heritage and enslaved them. The “date with destiny” refers to Nehru’s Tryst with Destiny speech (p. 89). Although India achieved independence in 1947 from the British, the North East continues to be caught in a struggle between the insurgent groups, the armed forces, and Christian missionaries. Changkija participates in this collective dream and unified brotherhood, she breaks the society’s gender norms through her social performance of participating in a historical and cultural process, which she is otherwise deprived of, on account of being a woman (Butler, 1988).

The ungendering process of these poets is also performed through the images, myths, and idioms employed in their poetry. Changkija in “Mist over Brahmaputra” (2011c) wishes to be like the Brahma’s son. The name Brahmaputra means Brahma’s sons, the river in the North East is considered a masculine river because of its ferocious currents and it also has a mythical connotation. She wishes to embody the “human inadequacies” and the “spiritual serenity” of the river. The identity of being Brahma’s son lends it shapes, colours, and volume to travel across time and space. She seeks the strength to heal from her “self-destructive tendencies” (pp. 87-88). She suspends the idea of the masculine image of the Brahmaputra as she humanizes it and draws parallels between herself and the river. The Brahmaputra, which is a cultural artefact and has a history of cultural essence associated with it, is being offered a renewed significance. We see a similar instance in Mona Zote’s “Girl, with Black Guitar and Blue Hibiscus” (2005) when she draws a parallel between the subterranean gong and the black guitar in one hand and the computer on the other (pp. 67-68). The subterranean gong alludes to Pi Hmuaki, the vocalist, who was buried alive because of her skills. Hmuaki’s perfection is compared to the flawless computer, which is a machine and has a masculine connotation. The gong after being buried becomes the guitar, which too is considered masculine. For the gong, or Hmuaki to be accepted by her society she needs to ungender herself and becomes a man. These poets write intending to critique the cultural constructs and ungender the prevalent narratives by suspending them. These poems then become the site of performance where the stereotypical essence of cultural artifacts is challenged and redefined by these women. The poems, therefore, no longer remain mere sites of resistance, they become cultural fields, where renewed gender acts are performed “invariably, under constraint, daily and incessantly, with anxiety and pleasure” (Butler, 1988, p. 531).


The journey of the women in social, political, and literary life is fraught with deprivation, suppression, and violence perpetrated by the patriarchal hegemonic structures. Not only constitutional amendments failed to rescue women of this plight, but religious conversion also failed miserably to emancipate women. Rather, religion with its inherent misogynistic scaffolding could not offer the restructuring of the social order for women. A cursory inquest into the life of the North Eastern women will at once reveal the participation of women in the economic and cultural front. Despite their active participation, they are relegated to a secondary subject under the patriarchal gaze. The opposition of civil society in women’s participation in the political sphere hints at the fact that women will not be allowed to make any changes to the social structure politically. Under these circumstances, a critique of such domination and also altering the cultural constructs through literary practices could play a major role. Mona Zote and Monalisa Chenkija, both working women, have not only subverted the hegemonic structures through their writing; they have also ungendered the cultural icons through performance in daily life and re-appropriated those to exemplify the participation of women in every sphere of social life. On one hand, they have exposed the inherent misogynistic social structure in tribal society; on the other hand, they have re-signified the cultural elements by ungendering those. While it has been witnessed that religion has failed to guarantee emancipation for women in the North East tribal society, the panacea lies in political participation and cultural re-signification through writings.


Photo by Susan Wilkinson:

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Zote, M. (2005). Mizoram. India International Centre Quarterly, 32(2/3). pp. 66–68. Retrieved June 27, 2021 JSTOR,

Debajyoti Biswas is an Associate Professor& Head of English Department at Bodoland University, Kokrajhar. He did his MA at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) in 2003 and received his PhD from Gauhati University in 2017. He has co-edited two books- Nationalism in India: Texts and Contexts (Routledge 2021) and Global Perspectives on Nationalism: Political and Literary Discourses (Forthcoming from Routledge). He has published his research papers in Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, and English: Journal of the English Association; Corvinus Journal of Sociology and Social Policy; RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism & Postcolonial Studies.

Pratyusha Pramanik is currently a Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Humanistic Studies, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) Varanasi, India. She did her MA in English Literature from Banaras Hindu University; and her graduation from Bethune College, University of Calcutta. Her works have appeared on various online portals like Feminism in India, Borderless Journal, and Café Dissensus.

Digital Dose of Didactics: Reinforcing Patriarchy through Moral Stories on YouTube


Gopika Sankar U.

Assistant Professor, Dept. of English, University of Hyderabad. Email:

Volume 13, Number 4, 2021 I Full-Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v13n4.68


Should girls get a formal education? Should women earn? And who should handle the money they earn, if at all? Can a woman’s personality be tied to learning and earning? These questions may be easily overlooked in the 21st century, when women have forayed into almost all possible careers. However, these and more questions related to women’s education, employment and empowerment find clear answers in the so-called moral stories in Hindi and other Indian languages, one finds on YouTube these days. The paper analyzes a selection of such stories centered on women and argues how these ‘moral stories’ ultimately emerge as schemes to keep the patriarchal structure alive by creating an easily accessible digital repository, and end up patronizing women in the pretext of empowering them. The paper focuses particularly on the idea of ‘moral’ these stories contain and argues that the moral messages they convey are actually detrimental to the empowerment of women as their deep structures work to cement the foundations of patriarchy.

Keywords: Moral, Digital, YouTube, Stories, Patriarchy.

Sexual Revictimization: Reflections from Contemporary Feminism


Leyla Torres-Bravo

Instituto de Estudios Humanísticos,Universidad de Talca (Chile). Email:

Volume 13, Number 4, 2021 I Full-Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v13n4.66


This article reviews the concept of revictimization taking into consideration several interdisciplinary perspectives.  Based on this premise, we analyze how contemporary feminism expands on violence against women.  After the said analysis, we explore recent studies on sexual revictimization to study how feminism has reflected and intervened in society and academia to provide greater visibility to the multiple phenomena involved in revictimization.

Keywords: revictimization, sexual revictimization, violence, contemporary feminism, survivors.

D. H. Lawrence’s Travel Writing: Concept of Nudity and Sexuality with a Difference


Abhik Mukherjee

Assistant Professor of English, Vellore Institute of Technology Vellore. ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8701-365. Email:

Volume 13, Number 4, 2021 I Full-Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v13n4.49   


In that he spent most of his life outside Britain, D. H. Lawrence often seems the least British of the British Modernists. His interest in and willingness to be influenced by Italy, Sicily, the American Southwest, Mexico and Australia can be easily explored in his travel books. Whereas his novels are too didactic in nature, his philosophies get naturally matured as he travels and they are expressed very succinctly in his travel writing. In various parts of his four travel books, namely Twilight in Italy (1916), Sea and Sardinia (1921), Morning in Mexico (1927), Sketches of Etruscan Places (1932) Lawrence depicts the difference between nudity and nakedness and how they influence him. The other contrast here is between art and life, with the nude standing for art and nakedness for life with the section on Florence and the art there. The essay focuses on how Lawrence views art differently when actually experiencing these works himself during his travels.  I show different phases in his response to nudity/nakedness as shown in his four travel books and what accounts for these changes. The thesis is the examination of Lawrence’s belief that the touch of amateurism and primitivism can inject new freshness into our lives and can salvage them from the clutches of habit, and the mechanized civilisation. Nudity and sexuality as part of primitive modes of life can balance and heal what Freud termed the discontents of civilisation. Situated on the thin line between nudity and sexuality, D.H. Lawrence’s travel writing recounts man’s true relationship with the cosmos. And finally, the paper shows some misunderstanding on the part of the second wave feminists on his representation of masculinity in nakedness.

Keywords: travel writing, nakedness, nudity, sexuality, feminism


Entangled Histories: Gender and the Community Mobilisations of the Ezhavas in Colonial Kerala


Kavyasree R

Doctoral Fellow, Centre for Women’s Studies, University of Hyderabad,, ORCID id: 0000-0002-5399-7217

 Volume 13, Number 4, 2021 I Full-Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v13n4.05


This paper explores how transnational historical approaches towards gender can provide a fresh perspective to locate women’s histories of colonial India and how such enquiries can widen the scope of exploring the rich archival sources available. By bringing in the recent scholarship in the area of gender and transnatioanal history, this paper would demonstrate the possibilities to unearth complex and entangled histories of women by bringing to the discussion the community consolidation efforts of Ezhavas, an erstwhile untouchable caste in the colonial Kerala, in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Focusing on the transnational character of the cultural and ideological transactions that shaped the Ezhava community mobilization in the wake of colonial transformations in the region, the paper would trace the specific ways in which such exchanges shaped the history of gender within the Ezhava movement. In doing so, this paper would point towards the need to go beyond both colonial and nationalist paradigms to unpack the intricate histories of gender, caste and regional social movements during the age of empire.

Keywords: Gender, Social Reform, Caste, Social Movement, Modernity, Transnational History

Problematising Testimony in Autobiographical Narratives by Dalit Women in the English Translation



Ph.D. Research Scholar, Department of English, Jamia Millia Islamia, and Assistant Professor, Sharda University. ORCID id: 0000-0001-5698-6612. Email:,

 Volume 13, Number 4, 2021 I Full-Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v13n4.04


Dalit autobiographical narratives are widely and habitually being categorised by critics as testimonios or sociobiographies, with an implication to be understood as representative life-stories. Because of the genre’s perceived emphasis on ‘authenticity’, ‘representation of collective suffering’, and immanent connotations of being a political genre of speech for the marginalised, scholars/critics of Dalit literature have been applying the term testimonio to describe autobiographical narratives, which has inadvertently led to a normativisation of the available modi of ‘truth production’ about Dalit lived experiences.  The objective of this paper is to dispute the adulatory assessment of testimonio as a genre, by highlighting the instances where the relationship between the self and the community in autobiographical narratives by Dalit women appears uneasy, fraught with dissensus and problematic, when examined from a Dalit feminist standpoint. By looking into ways of reading agency in Karukku (2000), Sangati (2005), and Viramma, Life of an Untouchable (1997), beyond the true-false, victim-oppressor and Dalit-Savarna simplistic binaries, this paper enunciates the problematic implications of using the nomenclature testimonio for reading these autobiographical narratives translated in English. Further, it posits arguments for shifting the emphasis on the politics of language and narrative to avert the trappings of the genre.

Keywords: Dalit autobiographical narratives, testimonio, self and the community, Dalit feminism, literature and politics, Dalit literature in translation, translation and agency.


By Me Shall He Be Nursed! Queer Identity and Representation in The Mahabharata


Seema Sinha1 & Kumar Sankar Bhattacharya2

1Ph. D from BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus, Rajasthan. Email:

2Associate Professor in the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus, Rajasthan. Email:

Volume 13, Number 3, 2021 I Full-Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v13n3.36


The Mahabharata is a treasure-trove of the cultural memories of the Hindus. The grand Epic has entertained and edified our society through its numerous identity-relevant narratives since time immemorial. The longevity of The Mahabharata lies in its capacity to adapt, adopt and re-fashion the account, which grants endless opportunities of initiating open-ended debate. The grand Epic has shaped our values and shared a template by which a life guided by Dharma is to be lived. The dialogic text continues to contribute to the resolution of our emotional angst and existential dilemmas. Much ahead of its times, the Epic revels in the liminality that is apparent in the narratives of the gender-queer people who are an integral part of its culture-scape. This paper seeks to study two liminal figures in the Epic narrative – Shikhandi, the trans-gender Prince of Panchala, and Yuvanashwa, the pregnant King, who swayed between gendered identities and challenged the hegemonic heteronormative sexual framework, thereby opening avenues of conversation related to marginalization, resistance and empowerment. The paper also examines the queer cases of King Sudyumna and King Bhangashwan, who questioned the symbolic binaries of gender and delineated a horizon of possibilities. The aim here is to measure the resistance of the genderqueer against the prescriptive order of subjectivities and assess the impact and the outcome. Drawing from the deconstructivist and the queer theories, the study foregrounds the trauma and the resistance of the marginal. These narratives establish The Mahabharata as one of the earliest texts to have a meaningful discourse in the queer-space.

 Keywords: Genderqueer, cultural memories, liminal, hegemonic, heteronormative, trauma, resistance

Atypical Athletic Corporeality and Clinical Embodied Deviance: A Case Study of Dutee Chand


Isha Malhotra1& Raj Thakur2

1Assistant Professor and Head in the School of Languages and Literature, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, UT of J&K, India. Email:

2Assistant Professor in the Department of English at Central University of Jammu, UT of J&K, India. Email:

 Volume 13, Number 3, 2021 I Full-Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v13n3.41


The paper outlines the politics of gendered athleticism appropriated and instrumentalised through the medico-juridical apparatus of the sports governing bodies.  The biomedical discourse governing the atypical athletic body and the embodied nature of its pathologised deviancy is drawn through the critical reflection of athletic regulatory bodies’ testing regimes and policies. It is through the detailed analysis of the Indian sprinter Dutee Chand’s case that one of many confounding disqualification charges and trials of hyperandrogenism against athletes with differences of sex development (DSD’s) is foregrounded. Drawing on the critical scholarship of gender theorists and activists, the legitimacy of the stipulated biological mechanism of testosterone as a regulatory performance index in female elite sport is contested and problematized. Pertinent here is Dutee Chand’s narrative of trial and triumph that destabilises the reductive embodiments of sex institutionalised in and beyond the sporting track.  Significantly, the paper also delineates the premises of the constitutive exclusionary and arbitrary regulatory regimes propounded by the athletic governing bodies like the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) and the International Olympic Committee (IOC). These concerns border on the geopolitics of race and nation framing the normative, prescriptive and reserved rights of femininity, able-bodiedness and heteronormativity in international women’s elite sport.

Keywords: DSDs, sport, gender, medicine, sex testing, regulation, heteronormativity

Gay Subculture and the Cities in India: A Critical Reading of Select Works of R Raj Rao


Sriya Das

PhD Scholar, Humanities and Social Sciences Department, IIT Kharagpur, West Bengal, India,,

 Volume 13, Number 3, 2021 I Full-Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v13n3.40


In delineating the painful experiences of LGBTQ individuals after the introduction of Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code R Raj Rao’s works look into the struggle of these people to survive the onslaught of normative sexual discourses. Given the fact that Queer sexuality has been continuously questioned, suspected and tormented prior to its legitimate recognition in 2018, Rao draws attention to the nuances of gay urban life in India. The paper critically analyses the representation of gay subculture in the cities of India as reflected in select works of Rao. It demystifies how gay people share the urban space, manage to make room for their pleasure in the cities, and pose a threat to the dominant understanding of sexuality. The ultimate objective of this paper is to understand the role of the city in the (un)making of a subcultural identity. Textual analysis, with reference to certain theoretical frameworks, would be used as a qualitative research method.

 Keywords: Sexuality, subculture, city, normativity, resistance

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