Media Studies - Page 3

Reminiscence on #EndSARS Protests of 2020 in Nigeria


Florence O. Orabueze1, Victor O. Ukaogo2, Ifeyinwa David-Ojukwu3, Godstime Irene Eze4, Chiamaka I. Orabueze5

1PhD, Department of English & Literary Studies, University of Nigeria

2PhD, Department of History and International Studies, University of  Nigeria. ORCID: 0000-0002-3282-4288. Contact:

3Use of English and Communication Unit, University of Nigeria

4Institute of African Studies, University of Nigeria

5Commercial and Cooperative Law, University of Nigeria

 Volume 13, Number 1, 2021 I Full Text PDF
DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v13n1.11

Reminiscence on #EndSARS Protests of 2020 in Nigeria


Every misfortune of the black man, particularly in Africa, has been blamed on the Europeans because of Trans Atlantic Slave Trade and colonization of different parts of Africa. However, the present study on the #EndSARS protests that rocked Nigeria between October and November 2020 has proven that Africans, particularly Nigerians, should bear the burden of their problems and not point accusing fingers on foreigners. The study uses historical theoretical framework and qualitative and quantitative research methodologies to find out that the protest has an affinity, albeit in a milder degree, to the various agitations, including Boko Haram that have levied wars on the country. The corruption-riddled Nigeria and the re-enslavement and re-colonization of the citizens by the leaders have fired resistance in the youths of the country and it concludes that the only way the protest and agitations would stop is when the fundamental causes are addressed.

Keywords: #EndSARS, protests, enslavement, colonization

Evaluation Strategies and Tactics of immigration Issues in Social Media Discourse


Nazira S. Iskakova1, Aibarsha Islam1

1Kazakh Ablai khan University of Foreign Relations and World Languages, Almaty, Muratbayev Str., 200, 050022, Kazakhstan.

 Volume 12, Number 6, 2020 I Full Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v12n6.29


The article is aimed at studying the main evaluation strategies and tactics through contextual analysis of immigration problems in the British social media discourse. The article considers evaluation as a cognitive-pragmatic phenomenon and identifies it as a powerful means of persuasion for manipulating public opinion. The commutative strategies and tactics are defined as the main tools to achieve the author’s pragmatic intention and the goal. Thus, it has become relevant to identify what evaluation strategies and tactics the author uses to highlight immigration issues in British society. As a result, the diversity of examples allows us to conclude that a key evaluation strategy of British media discourse that presents the immigration issues is a strategy of disapproval, expressed through the tactics of a recognition of the existence of the problem, accusation, reproach, discredit, misunderstanding, doubt, indication of the future, disagreement and distancing that imply negative evaluation.

Key words: Evaluation, Evaluation strategy, Evaluation tactics, Manipulation, Media discourse.

The Role of Media in Consumption under “Attention Economies”: A Study Based on the Interviews of Chinese Postgraduates towards the M&M’s Advertisements


Yuting Xie1, Megat Al Imran Bin Yasin2, Syed Agil Alsagoff3, Lay Hoon Ang4

1Department of Communication, Faculty of Modern Languages and Communication, Universiti Putra Malaysia. Email:

2Department of Communication, Faculty of Modern Languages and Communication, Universiti Putra Malaysia. Email:

3Department of Communication, Faculty of Modern Languages and Communication, Universiti Putra Malaysia. Email:

4Department of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Modern Languages and Communication, Universiti Putra Malaysia. Email:

 Volume 12, Number 6, 2020 I Full Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v12n6.19


The rapid development of media in the world promote the prosperity of the economy to a certain degree. Advertisement, as one of communication form of mass media, gradually becoming one of an important part in the attention economy. In view of these, the research chooses M&M’s advertisements as examples to discover what factors attract audiences’ attention and then lead to consumption, and how they play their role during the process. Three methods are employed in this research: in-depth interview, observation and textual analysis. Five Chinese postgraduate students are selected as objects, and they answer the questions by the researcher after they watched two types of M&M’s advertisements (celebrity-based advertisement and content-based advertisement). Through the combination of interview, it can be found that both celebrities, memory and social media platform can exert their role in the attention economy. This article also expects to offer a reference for advertisers and product manufacturers, helping them adjust their marketing strategies rationally by using celebrities and other elements.

Keywords: Attention Economy, Advertisement, Media, Celebrities, Memory.