Volume 13 No 4 2021

Impact of Digital Technologies on the Development of Modern Film Production and Television


Zoya Alforova1, Serhii Marchenko2, Halyna Kot3, Alla Medvedieva3, Oksana Moussienko4

1Department of Audiovisual Art, Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts, Kharkiv, Ukraine

2Department of Film Directing and Screenwriting, Kyiv National I. K. Karpenko-Kary Theatre, Cinema and Television University, Kyiv, Ukraine

3Department of Television Journalism and Actor?s Mastership, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Kyiv, Ukraine

4Department of Cinema Studies, Kyiv National I. K. Karpenko-Kary Theatre, Cinema and Television University, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Email: marchenko5382-3@lund-univer.eu

Volume 13, Number 4, 2021 I Full-Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v13n4.72


The popularity of streaming services has been steadily growing over the past 5 years, and the number of subscribers is increasing. This study was conducted to find out how the popularisation of streaming services affects filmmaking. The history of cinema is inextricably linked with the development of technology. It should be noted that each new page in the history of the film industry began with the invention of new innovations. During the digital age, a rapid leap forward in the television and film industry was also inevitable. Digital cinema is a format that has virtually left film and analogue cinema technology behind. Each revolution in the film industry has been a new step towards providing audiences with a new experience and an even more vivid film experience. Streaming services are one of the innovations that have emerged thanks to the development of digital technologies. They allow viewers to receive content for a fixed price. Streaming guarantees quality and availability with minimal technical support. For this study, theoretical materials on the impact of digital technologies on changes in cinema were investigated. The study analyses data on changes in the audience of the most popular streaming services over the past 10 years. The results of the study showed that the increase in demand for streaming and online cinemas affects the audience’s requirements for the genres and format of cinema. To satisfy audiences, filmmakers are constantly modernising the industry. It can be concluded that the tastes of the audience are changing and the workers of the film industry should be guided by this. In the future, global and Ukrainian streaming services will be able to create original content that will meet the requirements of viewers.

Keywords: film industry, digital era, streaming services, online cinemas, video content


Medieval Kazakh History in Arab and Persian Sources


Adil Markhaba1*, Islam Zhemeney2, Aman K. Rakhmetullin1, Kalamkas B. Bolatova1 & Aigul S. Adilbayeva1

1Department of History and Social Sciences and Humanities, Kazakh Humanitarian Law Innovative University, Semey, Republic of Kazakhstan. Email: markhaba6563@kpi.com.de

2“Turan-Iran” Research Center, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan

Volume 13, Number 4, 2021 I Full-Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v13n4.70


The relevance of this topic lies in the analysis of the study of medieval Kazakh history. After gaining independence, the processes of the revival of national identity, reinstatement of primitive spiritual and moral values and human mentality, which were sharply suppressed during the period of the Soviet totalitarian system, became widespread. Therewith, the widely discussed national-historical structure of the population, the knowledge of ethnic roots, the restoration of traditions and customs, which served as a connecting link, as well as the specificity and originality of the approach are of particular importance. Currently, the problem of objective reading, coverage, and popularisation of the ancient and medieval Kazakh history and culture is acute. By rejecting one-sided interpretations of historical events, established clichés require impartial, academic analysis based on evidence drawn from a wide range of sources. The purpose of this study is to identify the problems of the history of Kazakhstan in the 13th-14th centuries, the general laws of world historical development and the features of the historical process, folk traditions by using a scientific and systematic approach. Based on the systematisation and classification of data from the geographical and Arab historical records of the 13th-14th centuries, the analysis of written monuments is performed, their interdependence is established, and the degree of completeness and reliability of the data in the works of the narrative is determined in an integral system. Due to the scientific expeditions and research trips to Mongolia, China, and Germany, Kazakh orientalists analysed and performed the first systematic processing of archival materials and historical evidence of the early history of resettlement based on the ancient Turkic manuscript, ancient Indian, and Chinese sources that formed a picture of the proto and ancient history. For example, the features of stone figures give an idea of the military hierarchy, military operations, the settlement of ethnic groups (ethnogeography), the worldview of the Turks, etc.

Keywords: history of Kazakhstan, written monuments, source study, analysis, Arab and Persian historical works.

Historical Hermeneutics of Musical Styles


Olena M. Markova1, Daria V. Androsova1, Olha V. Muravska1, Liliia V. Nieicheva1 & Iryna M. Vlasenko2

1Department of Theoretical and Applied Cultural Studies, Odessa National A.V. Nezhdanova Academy of Music, Odesa, Ukraine. Email: o.markova@singapore-uni.com

2Department of Musicology, Instrumental and Choreographic Training, Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine

Volume 13, Number 4, 2021 I Full-Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v13n4.69


The relevance of the study of the historical hermeneutics of musical styles is determined by the need to find a philosophical basis for changing the cultural paradigm and the desire to return classical canons to musical art in particular. The aim of the work is to analyse the characteristic features of the interpretation of musical styles in accordance with the principles of historical hermeneutics on the example of jazz music. The research was conducted in two stages on the basis of interdisciplinary, systematic and hermeneutical approaches using general scientific methods of cognition: analysis, synthesis, systematization, comparison and ascent from the abstract to the concrete. In the process of scientific research, the views of researchers on the interpretation and understanding of hermeneutics in the context of musical art were considered; a general characteristic of the hermeneutics of musical styles in accordance with historical and philosophical prerequisites was given; the main elements of the theoretical model of musical philosophy of interpretation, which include critical interpretation, the purpose of interpretation, compatibility with description and limitation by requirements were described; the author’s concept of interpretation of musical styles, formed at three levels, were proposed; the characteristics of the hermeneutics of jazz style, in particular the presence of musical improvisational discourse, historical duality, transcendentality of content and form, advertising integration are determined; the article summarizes the specifics of jazz in accordance with two components: the European harmonic system and the fret principles of blues intonation, which made it possible to identify and generalize the theory of interpretation of jazz in the historical and philosophical paradigm. The practical value of scientific work consists in providing a comprehensive hermeneutical base of jazz style in order to further improve the practical application of musical style by teachers, students, musicians and specialists in the field of musical art.

Keywords: philosophical interpretation, semantics, jazz, musical composition, improvisation.

The Voice and the Gaze as ‘objet petit a’


Utsav Banerjee

University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad. Email: banerjee.utsav@gmail.com.

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0248-6345

Volume 13, Number 4, 2021 I Full-Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v13n4.67


Repression of the Real is a function of the coming-into-being of the Symbolic Order. That which is repressed resurfaces in the Symbolic, thereby threatening its order. What resurfaces is the non-repressible remainder, an excess that can neither be conceptualized nor can be eliminated. This remainder of the Real is what Lacan refers to as objet petit a or simply objet a. Objet is French for object, petit is French for small, and a is the first letter in the French autre, meaning other. In casual English translation, therefore, the objet a is essentially the small other. For Lacan, the objet a is a signifier of the Real that is lost in the process of symbolic constitution of the subject which resurfaces in the Symbolic Order. Its name is a misnomer in that it is not an object at all. It is rather a non-object because what is originarily lost is nothing—the original loss or the lost object is only a retroactive construction. And it is this loss that becomes the cause of desire, precisely because of the fact as a loss/lack it provides the necessary immaterial basis for desire—we desire what we have lost or currently lack. In other words, objet a is the object-cause of desire. It is equivalent of the partial object in Freud. Freud speaks of three partial objects—namely, breasts, faeces, and phallus; in Lacan, we find two more—namely, the voice and the gaze. This paper examines the voice and the gaze as objet a in Lacan.

Keywords: objet a, repression, the gaze, Lacanian Real, partial object.

Modern Linguistic Technologies: Strategy for Teaching Translation Studies


Bilous O1, Mishchenko A2, Datska T3, Ivanenko N4, Kit L5, Piankovska I6 & Vereshchak Y7

1PhD, Full-Professor of German at the Department of Translation, Applied and General Linguistics, Dean of the School of Foreign Languages, Department of Translation, Applied and General Linguistics, the School of Foreign Languages, Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University, Ukraine.

2Phd, Full-Professor of German, Department of Translation, Applied and General Linguistics, the School of Foreign Languages, Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University, Ukraine.

3Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor, Department of the English Language and Methods of Teaching, Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University, Ukraine.

4Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor, Department of the English Language and Methods of Teaching, Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University, Ukraine.

5German Language Instructor, Department of Translation, Applied and General Linguistics, Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University, Ukraine.

6Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of the German Language and Methodology of Teaching, Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University, Ukraine.

7English Language Instructor, Department of Translation, Applied and General Linguistics, the School of Foreign Languages, Language Center Director, Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University, Ukraine.

Corresponding e-mail: gridina-98@bk.ru

Volume 13, Number 4, 2021 I Full-Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v13n4.65


How often students use IT resources is a key factor in the acquisition of skills associated to the new technologies. Strategies aimed at increasing student autonomy need to be developed and should offer resources that encourage them to make use of computing tools in class hours. The analysis of the modern linguistic technologies, concerning intellectual language processing necessary for the creation and function of the highly effective technologies of knowledge operation was considered in the paper under consideration. Computerization of the information sphere has triggered extensive search for solving the problem of the use of natural language mechanisms in automated systems of various types. One of them was creating Controlled languages based on a set of features which made machine translation more refined. Triggered by the economic demand, they are not artificial languages like Esperanto, but natural simplified languages, in terms of vocabulary, grammatical and syntactic structures. More than ever, the tasks of modern computer linguistics behold creating software for natural language processing, information retrieval in large data sets, support of technical authors in the process of creating professional texts and users of computer technology, hence creating new translation tools. Such powerful linguistic resources as corpora of texts, terminology databases and ontologies may facilitate more efficient use of modern multilingual information technology. Creating and improving all methods considered will help make the job of a translator more efficient. One of the programs, CLAT does not aim at producing machine translation, but allows technical editors to create flawless, sequential professional texts through integrated punctuation and spelling modules. Other programs under consideration are to be implemented in Ukrainian translation departments.  Moreover, the databases considered in the paper enable studying of the dynamics of the linguistic system and developing areas of applied research such as terminography, terminology, automated data processing etc. Effective cooperation of developers, translators and declarative institutes in the creation of innovative linguistic technologies will promote further development of translation and applied linguistics.

Keywords: computer linguistics, linguistic technology, teaching, machine translation, integrated translation tools, CLAT technology.

Implementation of Tax Incentives to Avoid Unemployment Caused by the Economic Situation due to the COVID-19 Health Emergency in Mexico


Mariangel Salazar

Autonomous University of Queretaro. Email: mariangelsalazarsoto@gmail.com

Volume 13, Number 4, 2021 I Full-Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v13n4.64


Since the end of March 2020 millions, as the COVID-19 pandemic emerged as a health emergency, working people had to stay at home, telework or had to face consequences of the crisis such as low wages or layoffs.[i] In Mexico unemployment became a major problem for the economy. Although the country took measures to contain the imp act of the pandemic on the labor market, these have not been sufficient; the development and implementation of activities that create incentive or promotions are indispensable components of the recovery or sustainability of industries in times of crisis[ii]. According to Article 25 of the Political Constitution of Mexico[iii], the State is responsible for guiding national development and ensure that it is comprehensive and sustainable; the State shall, according to the Constitutional provision, ensure the stability of public finances and the financial system to help generate favorable conditions for economic growth and employment[iv]. I shall argue however that the fiscal policies implemented to contribute as determining factors in the sector of growing unemployment due to the COVID-19 pandemic have not been adequate even though the optimal measures were being taken under a more socialist system of governance in place during the two years.

Keywords: Unemployment, COVID 19, national development, economic growth, Tax Incentives, Mexico

[i] Feix, N. (2020). México y la crisis de la COVID-19 en el mundo del trabajo: respuestas y desafíos. Organización Internacional del Trabajo, 2. https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/—americas/—ro-lima/—ilo-mexico/documents/publication/wcms_757364.pdf.

[ii] Hernández, N., Clark, P., & Torres, L. (2021). El mercado laboral mexicano tras un año de pandemia.  Instituto Mexicano para la Competitividad, A.C., 10-12. https://imco.org.mx/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/202518-IMCO-analiza-Mercado-laboral-tras-un-an%CC%83o-de-pandemia_Documento.pdf.

[iii] Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, Diario Oficial de la Federación, México, 05 de Febrero de 1917.

[iv] Estrella, V. (2021). Tras pandemia, solo cinco estados amortiguan desocupación al cierre del 2020. El Economista. https://www.eleconomista.com.mx/estados/Tras-pandemia-solo-cinco-estados-amortiguan-desocupacion-al-cierre-del-2020-20210121-0150.html.

A New Airport in Mexico: Feasibility of Socialist Style Infrastructure in a Private Capital Economy


Budhaditya Mukherjee

Autonomous University of Queretaro. Email: budhadityamukherjee2000@gmail.com

Volume 13, Number 4, 2021 I Full-Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v13n4.63


This paper is based on the positive correlation between projects of infrastructure developed by the government, and the indicators of general well-being of populations in adjoining areas where such constructive changes have been effected. To study the multifactorial effects of the development of a welfare state, we have studied the economic projections associated with the construction of AIFA (Felipe Angeles International Airport), a new airport in Mexico, which was undertaken completely as a government-funded project and developed as a national infrastructure project by the military establishment. Information on projected investments and downstream investments and local employment from the Secretary of Agrarian Development and Tourism (SEDATU) and the Secretary of Public Finances (Forbes) for the new airport AIFA are compared and analyzed with similar projects in other privately developed infrastructure projects and their calculated impact in order to suggest how well-being (achieved through such indices as employment and the generation of micro-enterprises) would pan out for the economy in the State of Mexico, where the new public-funded projects are envisioned. Projections based on available information suggest that the construction of a public infrastructure module can be achieved under economic constraints, focusing on lower spending from the public budget; however, there is a lack of information and transparent policy decisions to indicate growth for entrepreneurs in the local economy, and neither any projected information on opportunities of further private or public investments associated with the airport.  A socialist-style public investment project, engineered by the state military, may need more transparency and engagement on behalf of entrepreneurs.

Keywords: Mexico, welfare state, new airport, general well-being, micro-enterprises, national infrastructure, privately developed infrastructure, socialist-style public investment project

Contemporary Art in Applied Dimensions: A Reflective Review of Art as Therapeutic Process


Oscar López

Master of Arts, University of Guanajuato. Email: oskr_caleb@hotmail.com

Volume 13, Number 4, 2021 I Full-Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v13n4.62


A common perception about contemporary art is the perception that it excludes a majority of people as being its legitimate viewers or judges, by virtue of the fact that it contains exclusive or encrypted messages. A small, privileged group of experts grant value, acceptance and endow public popularity of such works for the market and media. In this research we seek to provide an insight into a cluster of contemporary abstract art forms and show how such art forms anticipate closer and more common sensory and hermeneutic experience. Art like that of Hamish Fulton is built on experiences that enables us to connect with them, thereby redefining the concepts and ideas of these arts through an alternative phenomenological experience of their methods and processes of making art. Fulton’s art is based on a visual translation of his experiences of healing walks through mountainous terrain. We may build a personal, general methodology of interpretation by building personal synergistic links with the methods of creation – that could in turn generate therapeutic effects both in the viewer or in the interpreter of such art, through self-reflection and re-construction of the concepts proposed in the framing. Likewise, we will reflect briefly on art therapeutic projects that we studied for patients with ADHD. We analyze the expressions and suggest a method of therapeutic art creation based on similar processes as in Fulton.

Keywords: Contemporary art, experientiality, hermeneutics, method, phenomenological therapy

A Kaleidoscopic Gaze of India through Julio Barrenechea’s oeuvre


Mala Shikha1 & Ranjeeva Ranjan2*

1Assistant Professor, Doon University, Dehradun, India. maladoon@gmail.com

2*Assistant Professor, Universidad Católica del Maule, Talca, Chile. ranjan@ucm.cl

Volume 13, Number 4, 2021 I Full-Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v13n4.61 


Latin American intellectuals have included India in their imagination since the advent of Modernism, a turn-of-the-century movement in the early 20th century. Nevertheless, the idea of India in Latin American imagination has been primarily mediated through a rather fixed European lens. Within the body of Latin American scholarly encounters, the works of Julio Barrenechea are worth mentioning. They have not been critically examined extensively in academia. The present study is an attempt to reflect upon the works of the author that resulted from his experiences during his sojourn as the Ambassador of Chile in India. He wrote Sol de la India, which was published in 1969 in New Delhi, during his stay in India. Another work titled La India no misteriosa based on his Indian experience was published posthumously in 1982 in Santiago. The first work is a collection of poems while the latter is in prose. Barrenechea has described with grace and sympathy the spiritual greatness of India but at the same time, he engaged critically with the distressing social and economic realities of the nation. In the present study, the researchers analyze the theme of his works encompassing India, which as such incorporate an essentially “Chilean gaze”.

Keywords: Barrenechea, Chilean gaze, Sol de la India, La India no misteriosa, Kaleidoscope, European lens

A Survey of Using YouTube as Supplementary Material with University English Language Learners in Vietnam: A Replication Study


Pham Minh Huy1, John R. Baker2 & Nhi Khanh Tran3

1 Creative Language Center, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Email: tg_phamminhhuy@tdtu.edu.vn. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7174-3392

2Faculty of Foreign Languages, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Email: drjohnrbaker@tdtu.edu.vn. https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3379

3 Faculty of Foreign Languages, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Email: trankhanhnhi@tdtu.edu.vn. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4833-8073

Volume 13, Number 4, 2021 I Full-Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v13n4.58 


There is a growing body of international literature that has shown positive student perceptions of using YouTube as a source of supplementary teaching and learning material. The literature further shows that YouTube use in Vietnamese educational settings is growing. However, empirical investigations in this region are lacking. As such, the question arises whether international studies’ results may be generalizable to this context. However, no replication studies have been undertaken to explore this. This mixed-methods external approximate replication of the seminal work in this field (Kelsen, 2009) was conducted to address this gap. The triangulated results (descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, qualitative interpretation) demonstrated that the current study showed markedly more positive perceptions than the initial study. Following this, it is suggested that, while the initial study is historically important, generalizability may not be transferable to the current Vietnamese context. It is further suggested the current study’s results are employed as a reference for this context and a starting point for future investigations and discussions. The results’ relevancy to the broader Asian context and suggestions for further study are also discussed.

Keywords: YouTube, EFL, ESL, ELL, language learning, Z Generation, ICT, Replication, Kelsen, Supplementary resources

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