A Case Study of Educational Management Readiness in Educating People


Tanat Titiworatat & Vichian Puncreobutr
St. Theresa International College, Thailand

Special Issue, Volume 8, Number 2, 2016 I Full Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v8n2.12


This research was aimed at studying the readiness level of educational management in providing education in the Thai-Lao border region of Bung Karn Province. The study compared the readiness level of educational management in terms of nationality and category of respondents. The target respondents of the study are parents, students and teachers/administrators who live along Thai-Lao border of Bung Karn Province. The estimated sample size of the study was 384 based on Krejcie and Morgan Table. The survey questionnaire was constructed for the study and tested for reliability, which hold good reliability with Cronbach alpha value at .82. Statistical tools used for the study are Mean, T-Test and One-way ANOVA. The result indicated that major group of respondents are Laos people and most of them are willing to work in Thailand and foreign nations. The overall readiness of educational management is at moderate level, whereas the aspects like academics and resources are highly ready to serve the people in the region. But in terms of international program, the educational management is not yet ready to serve the community. When comparing the readiness of educational management in terms of nationality, there is no significant difference among Thais and Laos People, but in terms of category of respondents (Parents, Students and Teachers) significant difference exists. Further pair wise comparison test has been conducted and it is found that the significant difference exists in parents’ group towards readiness of educational management.

Keywords: readiness; educational management; Bueng Kan Province.