Rendering Imagery in the Semantic Structure of Stable Terminological Word Combinations


R. E. Shkilev1, E. V. Samsonova2, I. D. Kazanchuk3, M. M. Isupova4

1, 2Kazan Federal University, Russia. Email:

3Professor, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine,

4Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), Russia.

Corresponding email: Email:

  Volume 10, Number 1, 2018 I Full Text PDF

DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v10n1.14

Received December 23, 2017; Revised January 30,  2018; Accepted February 4, 2018; Published February 08, 2018.


The article focuses on the peculiarities of rendering the meaning of compound terms in the translation process with the help of word combinations without shift of meaning in the semantic structure. The research is based on the examples from English and Russian legal terminology. Taking into account the fact that legal terms form a part of literary language the classification is based on principles accepted and used in Phraseology. The examples analyzed in this paper reveal the difference between English and Russian compound terms in the lexical and grammatical structure. The author arrives at a conclusion that the semantic shift in legal terminology has an anthropocentric orientation. The dependence of the nature of the semantic shift on certain features of national cultures is shown. The results of the investigation provide for the material for the study of the features of the corresponding segment of linguistic worldview.

Keywords: compound term, stable terminological word combination, imagery, semantic shift, equivalence, legal terminology.