How Textual Production Processes Shape English Language Teaching Research Discourse


Theron Muller
Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Toyama. ORCID: 0000-0001-9690-3738. Email:

Rupkatha Journal, Vol. 15, Issue 1, April-May, 2023. 
Abstract Full-Text PDF Issue Access


This paper discusses the importance of researching textual production processes in writing for academic publication in language teaching research by outlining how two papers were shaped by the journal submission and review process. Using a critical discourse analysis lens and text history analysis, the authors’ difficulties in interpreting reviewer comments are illustrated along with how their manuscripts were transformed from initially pedagogy-focused texts to more research-focused at publication. The implications of this analysis for understanding authors’ publishing practices and the persistent, problematic teaching-research divide in the language teaching field are discussed. Further, the research methods used demonstrate the importance of examining the processes underlying textual production.

Keywords: Text histories, writing for publication, teaching-research divide, critical discourse analysis (CDA), text history analysis