V14N4 - Page 3

Narratives of Plague in Arab Societies through the Lens of Select Western Travelers


Mashhoor Abdu Al-Moghales1, Abdel-Fattah M. Adel2, Suhail Ahmad3, Monir A Choudhury4, Abdul R. JanMohamed5
1Department of English, College of Arts, University of Bisha, Saudi Arabia. ORCID: 0000-0001-7984-5388. Email: mamohammad@ub.edu.sa
2Department of English, College of Arts, University of Bisha, Saudi Arabia.  ORCID: 0000-0001-7968-8167. Email: aadeal@ub.edu.sa
3Department of English, College of Arts, University of Bisha, Saudi Arabia.  ORCID: 0000-0001-6611-2484. Email: suhailahmed@ub.edu.sa
4Department of English, College of Arts, University of Bisha, Bisha, Saudi Arabia. Email: monirchy@ub.edu.sa.
5Department of English, University of California, Berkeley, USA. Email: abduljm@berkeley.edu

Rupkatha Journal, Vol. 14, Issue 4, December, 2022. https://doi.org/10.21659/rupkatha.v14n4.11 
Abstract Full-Text PDF Issue Access


To examine the narratives of plagues in Arab societies, the paper, along with the postcolonial perspectives, uses the concepts like ‘empathy’ or ‘detached concern’ to bring fresh and new understanding of the travel texts. It selected John Antes’ Observations on the Manners and Customs of the Egyptians, the Overflowing of the Nile and its Effects (1800) and Richard F. Burton’s Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to El-Medinah and Meccah (1857) for the study. The paper analyses their narratives to understand their approaches in describing the ‘native’ Arab societies. The key findings show that while Burton tends to construct the people and their culture as ‘the Other’ although his mode of presentation tends to follow a mode of ‘detached concern’, Antes is, on the other hand, more objective but stood by the plague-infected people in empathy. The findings show that these Western travellers considered the concept of predestination, lack of quarantine, lack of sanitation, mass gatherings during the plague, and the unscientific local treatments as the root causes of the spread of the plagues among the ‘natives’.

Keywords: Plague, Orientalism, Travelogues, Arab Land, Empathy, detached concern

Formation of Emotional Security of Students during the Period of Training in Conditions of Military Conflict


Oleksii Petrovich Orlov
PhD, Assistant of World literature Department, V. G. Korolenko Poltava National University, Ukraine. ORCID: 0000-0002-2338-118X. Email: olexsiyorlov@gmail.com

Rupkatha Journal, Vol. 14, Issue 4, December, 2022. https://doi.org/10.21659/rupkatha.v14n4.10 
Abstract Full-Text PDF Issue Access


Ukrainian teachers and students are now in an extreme situation of military conflict when the territory of the country is under constant air fire, and the line of hostilities stretches for 1500 kilometres. The purpose of the article is to analyze the extreme learning conditions of Ukrainian students and develop a strategy for optimal emotional relaxation by selecting fiction for reading and deepening artistic perception. Respondents’ data (120 students and 53 pupils) were collected, systematized, evaluated, and analyzed using systematic written surveys (Project Tuning methodology) and statistical analysis methods. Testing corresponded to three stages of conflict development: conflict deployment, escalation, and post-conflict phase. Pedagogical activity mirrors this parable but in the opposite direction. Fiction thematically and genre-wise at each stage plays the role of a protective shield, which draws the line between students’ own emotions and the feelings of literary heroes. Perception of artistic texts was aimed at 1) identifying visual, auditory, and tactile associations; 2) olfactory sensations; 3) the ability to build associative chains; 4) imagining literary heroes; 5) emotionally immersing yourself in the world of fiction. Comparison of one’s own emotional perceptions with those that caused anti-utopian works and fantasy literature prove the effectiveness of the chosen pedagogical hypothesis.

Keywords: extreme pedagogy, conflictology, an emotional parable of perception, artistic perception of literature, association.

The Phenomenon of Social Invisibility of Certain Ukrainian Citizens Categories during Crisis Periods


Oksana Zhuravska1 & Olena Rosinska2
1Assoc. Prof., Faculty of Journalism, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Ukraine.
ORCID: 0000-0002-4623-8933. Email: o.zhuravska@kubg.edu.ua
2Assoc. Prof., Faculty of Journalism, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Ukraine.
ORCID: 0000-0003-4460-0668. Email: o.rosinska@kubg.edu.ua

Rupkatha Journal, Vol. 14, Issue 4, December, 2022. https://doi.org/10.21659/rupkatha.v14n4.09 
Abstract Full-Text PDF Issue Access


Social invisibility is a complicated psychological and social phenomenon reflected by particular strategies of the society’s attitude to individual groups, their marginalization or “invisibility”, which is especially noticeable in the periods of crises. Ukraine has experienced revolutions, a partial territorial occupation, a pandemic and a large-scale invasion since 2013. The crises of these years influenced society’s life, its readiness or unreadiness to tolerate particular social issues. The analysis of the tendency in covering the issues concerning the LGBT community in the Ukrainian online media of Ukrayinska Pravda (UP), Gazeta.ua (G), Obozrevatel.com (Ob) during 2010 – the first part of 2022 based on statistical and content-analysis of publications gives a chance to prove that.

The research findings demonstrated that, in general, publication activities of the media do not demonstrate tendencies to increased amount of media content devoted to the problems of the LGBT community. The thematic range of publications is also relatively limited, its core is the issues of the Equality March organization and holding, social reaction to this event, world’s news and activity of local politicians.

The serious analytical publications concerning the problems of the LGBT-community are at the periphery of the themes. Stories of the LGBT-community representatives, including media persons who demonstrate positive examples of social adaptation, an issue of gender-based tolerance in the society, etc., remain beyond the attention of the editorial staff, observation of human rights, issues of the queer culture. The reasons for such a situation can relate to the editorial staff’s policy and influence on formation of the narrative in the country concerning the rights of the LGBT-community representatives.

The research of other top-rated media publications is also prospective not only with regard to quantity and themes, but also quality; in particular, compliance with journalist standards and ethical norms by the authors. That will allow reception of a more complete picture concerning the representativeness of the LGBT community’s problems in the country’s media environment and the specification of the indicators influencing their formation, as well as understanding mechanisms of social invisibility in media.

Keywords: LGBT, gender, media studies, social invisibility.

The Artistic Narrative in Times of War: NENKA project of Ukrainian Visual Artists


Natalia Gurieva1 & Victor Manuel Reyes Espino2
1Department of Art and Enterprise, University of Guanajuato, Mexico. ORCID: 0000-0002-1366-1292. Email: n.gurieva@ugto.mx
2Department of Art and Enterprise, University of Guanajuato, Mexico. ORCID: 0000-0001-9309-6387. Email: vm.reyes@ugto.mx

Rupkatha Journal, Vol. 14, Issue 4, December, 2022. https://doi.org/10.21659/rupkatha.v14n4.08 
Abstract Full-Text PDF Issue Access


Art is deeply linked and contributes to the fundamental axes of culture, that is, norms and standards of behavior, national traditions, principles of life and value systems. During periods of social crisis, art is one of the most vulnerable components, but at the same time a powerful catalyst for creative processes, as well as an expressive vehicle for a critical view of the current situation. Particularly in times of war, artistic expression is presented with a powerful life-giving potential and allows to accurately express the enormous emotional tension of people, whose lives have been disrupted by death, pain, and destruction. This is the case of Ukrainian artists who, through visual exploration, build a complex narrative that seeks to interpret and express the pain and hope of what happened in their native country and which, since 2014, has been experiencing the ravages of war.

Keywords: Ukraine, Artist community, Contemporary image, Art to highlight Ukraine War.

Insecurity and Anxiety in Northeast Nigeria and Boko Haram Agenda Conspiracy Theories: Lake Chad Basin’s Oil and Water Polemics


Felicia C. Abada1, Mary-Isabella A. Chidi-Igbokwe2, Chinedu Ejezie3, Nneka Alio4 & Emeka Aniago5
1Social Science Units, School of General Studies, University of Nigeria, Nsukka
2,4Theatre & Film Studies, University of Nigeria, Nsukka
3Political Science, University of Nigeria, Nsukka
5Theatre & Film Studies, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria. ORCID id 0000-0003-3194-1463. Email: emekaaniago@gmail.com

Rupkatha Journal, Vol. 14, Issue 4, December, 2022. https://doi.org/10.21659/rupkatha.v14n4.05 
Abstract Full-Text PDF Issue Access


In Nigeria and other nations with their territory being part of the Lake Chad Basin, anxiety is high and growing because Boko Haram’s “strident messages exacerbate intra-Muslim tensions and worsen Muslim-Christian relations in the region” (Thurston 2016: 5). In addition, because the agenda of Boko Haram appear jumbled and its sponsors indistinct, curiosity has led to the conceptualization of theories aimed at providing illumination. The study interpretively discusses how insecurity and anxieties in northeast Nigeria resulting from Boko Haram’s insurgency propel the articulation of several conspiracy theories explaining Boko Haram’s emergence, evolution and agenda, and the areas where lack of consensus subsists. The study classifies the theories into three categories, namely, the Freedom Fighter and Soldiers of Faith, Proxy Political Tool, and Islamic Caliphate Quest theories, and examines their suppositions and arguments to highlight the degree of plausibility. Substantially, the study expands the ‘Islamic Caliphate Quest’ theory to include the place of ‘oil’ and ‘water’ as likely variables that illuminate other trajectories.

Keywords: anxiety, Boko Haram, conspiracy theories, Lake Chad basin, oil, water

We Are Cancelled: Exploring Victims’ Experiences of Cancel Culture on Social Media in the Philippines


Joseph Leonard A. Jusay1, Jeremiah Armelin S. Lababit2, Lemuel Oliver M. Moralina3 & Jeffrey Rosario Ancheta4
1Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines. ORCID: 0000-0001-5770-0129. Email: josephleonard.jusay@yahoo.com
2Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines. ORCID: 0000-0001-8225-866X. Email: jeremiahlababit0000@gmail.com
3Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines. ORCID: 0000-0001-7065-5772. Email: rhyleemoralina26@gmail.com
4Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines. ORCID: 0000-0001-5831-8204. Email: jrancheta@pup.edu.ph

Rupkatha Journal, Vol. 14, Issue 4, December, 2022. https://doi.org/10.21659/rupkatha.v14n4.04 
Abstract Full-Text PDF Issue Access


The continuous advancement of modern technology enables its users to engage in various interactions in the online public sphere, including conversations about multiple ideas and perspectives. It has now played a significant role in our modern society, paving the door for several participatory cultures and social movements such as the so-called cancel culture. Even if this movement aims to call out individuals or businesses, it has undoubtedly encouraged mob mentality and damaged civil dialogue, ultimately driving them out of the community. Thus, this study looked at the diverse experiences of victims of cancel culture and how it influenced their social and personal lives. It reveals that the victims suffered a backlash, public humiliation, and cyberbullying that harmed their mental health. This study has established that cancel culture is an example of online abuse and has become more commonplace in the online public realm, rendering social media sites less of a safe haven.

Keywords: Cancel culture, social media, mental health, cyberbullying, public humiliation

Mapping Caste Violence in the Domestic Front: Representation of the Caste Questions in Contemporary Malayalam Cinema


V.K. Karthika
Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli (NIT Trichy). OCID: 0000-0002-6335-1153. Email: vkkarthika@nitt.edu

Rupkatha Journal, Vol. 14, Issue 4, December, 2022. https://doi.org/10.21659/rupkatha.v14n4.03 
Abstract Full-Text PDF Issue Access


Conservative modes of representation of the Dalit lives and the caste questions in Malayalam cinema used to adhere to the stereotypical portrayal of caste-based violence as a tool to evoke pity, fear or laughter. However, recent movies emphasise the revolt of the subaltern both in personal and public domains of discourse. This paper attempts to analyse two recent Malayalam films, Puzhu (the Worm) and Malayankunju (The Malaya Child) released in 2022 that blatantly deal with caste-based violence operational in the domestic sphere. The critique is based on two major questions: how do caste identity and caste-based violence function in the domestic interiors and in what ways do the dominant patriarchal discourses complicate the subjective positioning of women within and outside the household?  The study identifies various elements that contribute to the construction of subjectivity of the Dalit and discusses the issues embedded in caste pride leading to catastrophe at the home-front through ostracisation and excision (either through murder or through mutilation) processes of those ones who do not conform to the dictated norms of casteists. Within the theoretical framework of structural and cultural violence, the paper analyses how caste-based violence and gender-based violence are types of structural violence, and discusses the legitimation of it sanctioned by various cultural elements.

[Keywords: Caste Questions, Caste Violence, Malayalam Cinema]

Battling Against Environmental Crisis: Children in Action


Zhang Shengzhen1 & Si Yuanyuan2*
1Professor, English Department, Beijing Language and Culture University, P.R. China. ORCID id:0000-0001-5865-0119. Email id: zhangshengzhen@blcu.edu.cn
2Yulin University & Beijing Language and Culture University, P.R. China *Corresponding author. ORCID: 0000-0002-2887-3888. Email id: siyuanyuan-0911@163.com

Rupkatha Journal, Vol. 14, Issue 4, December, 2022. https://doi.org/10.21659/rupkatha.v14n4.02 
Abstract Full-Text PDF Issue Access


With its historical privilege of the relationship between children and nature, children’s literature has long attended to ecological problems, often in concert with its attendant social problems. In a century of stories, from The Secret Garden (1911) to The Wizard of Earthsea (1968), The Iron Man (1968), The Iron Woman (1993), and The Marrow Thieves (2017), children’s authors have been demonstrating how children, prefiguring actual child activists such as Greta Thunberg, can lead the way towards solutions. Whether in literature or real life, it seems that it is the children who understand the urgency of environmental crises and can bring about responses. Children activists, such as Lucy, Hogarth, Frenchie and his companions, take decisive action in saving nature and the human world.

Keywords: Environmental Crises, Environmental Activism, Children’s Literature, Children Activists.

Women in Disasters: Unfolding the Struggles of Displaced Mothers in Talisay, Batangas during the Taal Volcano Eruption and the Pandemic


Jeffrey Rosario Ancheta1 & George Vincent Gamayo2
1Faculty Researcher and Assistant Professor, Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines. ORCID: 0000-0001-5831-8204. Email: jrancheta@pup.edu.ph
2Communication Management Officer and Assistant Professor, Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines. ORCID: 0000-0001-7223-6993. Email: gvgamayo@pup.edu.ph

Rupkatha Journal, Vol. 14, Issue 4, December, 2022. https://doi.org/10.21659/rupkatha.v14n4.01 
Abstract Full-Text PDF Issue Access


Disasters strike globally, but their impacts are often more severe on socially and economically marginalized sectors like women. This is one of the main justifications behind the 2010 Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act, which promotes gender equality and inclusivity in all strategies to combat the adverse effects of natural hazards, especially on underrepresented populations. However, gender-based discrimination during disasters is still prevalent in local communities of the Philippines. Thus, this study attempts to unfold the struggles of displaced mothers in Talisay, Batangas, because of the Taal Volcano’s eruption in January 2020 and worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic that began in March 2020. Specifically, this study identifies the direct impacts that impede survivors’ capacity to recover from the disruptions brought about by the aforementioned catastrophes. Findings, through mothers’ narratives, reveal six (6) key themes that reveal insecurity in livelihood, shelter, education of their children, food, health and nutrition, and water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH). This only proves that displaced mothers face socio-economic issues aggravated by the changing climate that the local government of Talisay needs to address towards a gender-inclusive DRRM.

Keywords: Women, disaster, struggle, displaced mother, volcanic eruption, pandemic

Approaching and Re-stating the Question of Global Anxieties: Some Suggestions for Psychology and Therapy Studies


Tirtha Prasad Mukhopadhyay
Universidad de Guanajuato

Rupkatha Journal, Vol. 14, Issue 4, December, 2022. https://doi.org/10.21659/rupkatha.v14n4.00 
Abstract Full-Text PDF Issue Access

Pedagogy of the Global Anxieties

Anxiety caused by the psychosocial reality of war, pandemic, natural disasters, or poverty, among other factors, may be studied from two kinds of methodological premises: first, the deep and unencumbered perception of anxiety as a metacognitive process indicating diminution in energy levels and normative expression or behaviors of individuals. The subject finds oneself in a situation that is out of sync with the environment, and experiences low emotive valence. Anxiety is cognitively visible as a state of depression that continues to intimidate and demoralize the person. It represents a dispirited state of the individual as it encounters a world of depleted resources, and as it constantly fears for its existence or survival. The collective cognitive fear that underlays human survival also creates preconditions for global anxiety. Global anxiety is a global category – an obscure, introspective moment in the lives of peoples within a territory or among migrant populations across frontiers. Secondly, it could indicate toward historically localized expressions and as such anxiety could be studied pluralistically – as its pre-conditions arise in times and locations. Yet on the whole, if we were to analyse the causal variants or consequences of anxieties on a quantitative scale, we could possibly determine how conditions conducive to emotional redressal could be procured or administered for well-being and the Human devolopment index. In either case, the need to identify, analyze and alleviate the pressures and tensions causing anxiousness, and to diminish or palliate physiological conditions that induce anxiety remain our conscious rudder for anxiety studies.

Emotive Binaries

What kind of interdisciplinary approaches to anxieties could help us understand and consider the fuller range or ambit of any anxiety disorder emotion. Interdisciplinary methodology has the potential of explaining the complete circumplex of emotions, first suggested by Russell (1980). Any emotive condition (or dysfunction) is capable of being viewed through its affective other, or valence or alteredness. I refer to the circumplex model to suggest  how anxiety is cognitively manifested: such dysfunctional behaviors have been considered in great detail by the studies of Russell (1980), Frijda (1986) and others. Frijda’s works are most impactful in this regard till date and also contains a description of what Frijda calls arousal. Indeed, arousal is an indispensable factor for the evocation of emotions, including ‘basic emotion states’ (Ekman 1977), like that of fear or anxiety. Barrett (2014) also develops an architecture of arousal. We may propose however to include the insights into emotions available in traditions of emotion studies from very different philosophical or analytical traditions. The same emotional traumas could be aroused and contemplated in a positive state of affects – so that the emotion or affect may harbor an intrinsic potential to transform and get aroused as its altered affect on the circumplex scale. ‘Valence’ is crucial here and is directly related to the dramatic practice of potentializing optimal feelings of well-being and self-esteem, and in general, developing the ability to negotiate with negatively valenced states of depression or traumatic withdrawal. Anxieties of global nature could be seen in this context of our Eastern, Indian psychosocial systems, as posing these great potential questions on alleviatory mechanisms for procurement of well-being or of humane states of feeling (Mukhopadhyay forthcoming 2023). Anxiety studies will therefore find its fuller purpose in the knowledge of ‘transforming’ valences of physiologically built-in emotive conditions or potentials of our psychosomatic architecture. How much such transformative potentials effect emotive base change in the synaptic neurodynamic processes may thus be considered in neurosciences of the future. Levitt asked in a very relevant manner: Does the pattern of physiological reaction differ among emotional states; can these patterns be used to differentiate among the emotions? (Levitt 2015). I believe that these are very important questions for the analysis of anxiety and fear – that should be raised, even if it were in a rather inchoate form, in contemporary Applied Psychology and psychosocial behaviorism. They point to the need for a re-consideration of the Basic Emotion paradigm in psychology and replace it with a ‘basic dynamic circumplex emotion model’ which looks at how emotion potentials are capable of being triggered or aroused and modified in their nature as sources of their own medicine. Feelings caused by trauma could also be a source of self-transformational cure of the trauma – of looking at how trauma could also contain itself, like a protean emotion entity, and therefore be cultivated by practice to be contemplated as its altered and therapeutic other, on a binary scale of crisis management within the retinue of self-induced therapies.

Political Emotion

The search for wellness, mental health, mindfulness and freedom could be therefore re-stated in terms of the primacy of the dynamic architectonics that build human emotions and make them so valuable. Not the nature of the emotion and not merely the category of emotion or the Basic Emotion itself – is what now appears to us to matter. In its place what is in focus is the question of a dynamic alteration in the circuit of appraisals.  The global anxieties are best resolved in terms of a politics or praxis whose root actions include policy decisions in favor of positive emotive arousal in matters of decisions involving life-transformations. The foundations of this kind of political thinking is already evident in the knowledge of transformations of the kind that change the perception of a prosocial need from conflict to peace and self-abnegatory activism. The instances set by Gandhi and Nelson Mandela in the last century – have been overwhelmingly confirmed in the political actions of Pepe Mujica – the former President of Uruguay, and Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, the current President and leader of the 4th Transformation in Mexico. The ardent fervor of their activism is executed in movements that explore the transformation and containment of anxieties through their exploration in alternate expressions of self-abnegation and the emotional freedom of the individual. This is our take away from the re-evaluation of emotional praxis for the contemporary world.



Barrett, L. F. & Russell, J. A. (Eds.). (2014). The psychological construction of emotion. Guilford Publications.

Frijda, N. H. (1986). The emotions. Cambridge University Press.

Levitt, E. E. (2015). The psychology of anxiety. Routledge.

Russell JA. A circumplex model of affect. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 1980;39:1161–1178.  

Mukhopadhyay Tirtha Prasad. Emotion According to the Ancients and the Ancients According to Emotions inEmotion, Communication, Interaction: Emerging Perspectives” edited by Tirtha Prasad Mukhopadhyay and Shoji Nagataki. Taylor and Francis. Forthcoming.